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Technology for a law firm

For this week’s Assignment you have two parts. The first part will be creating a PowerPoint. The second part is creating a detailed list of technology for a law firm.


Part 1: Create a PowerPoint

You are a paralegal on the legal team who represents Brooke Adams in her personal injury action against Grumpy Trucking Company. On behalf of Brooke, your supervising attorney, with your help, sued Grumpy Trucking in negligence for damages that Brooke sustained after one of Grumpy’s truck drivers rear-ended Brooke’s vehicle while she was stopped at a stop light.

The evidence phase of the trial is over and you and your supervising attorney are preparing for closing arguments. Your supervising attorney asks you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation with a timeline to display all of the sequence of the facts admitted into evidence at the trial to the jury to support the attorney’s closing arguments.

The facts are as follows:

  1. On June 1, Brooke was stopped at a red light when the Grumpy driver operating a Grumpy Truck “rear ended” her vehicle.
  2. On June 1, Brooke was transported to the hospital via an ambulance for neck and back pain.
  3. On June 2, Brooke underwent an MRI and was diagnosed with a ruptured disc.
  4. On June 3, Brooke underwent surgery to repair her disc.
  5. On June 3, the Grumpy driver was arrested for reckless driving as a result of hitting Brooke’s car.
  6. Brooke was out of work from June 1 through June 21 and lost wages.
  7. From June 3 through September 3, Brooke underwent painful physical therapy three times a week
  8. On September 15, Brooke’s doctor diagnosed her with a 15% permanent disability of her cervical spine.
  9. Since the accident Brooke has experienced pain and suffering.
  10. Brooke is asking for $100,000.

Be creative! Be sure to include at least 4 of the following features:

  1. Use a template
  2. Modify the color scheme
  3. Use at least two different slide layouts
  4. Change the background style
  5. Add graphics or pictures
  6. Add animation
  7. Add audio (narration)

Finally make sure to add a timeline for the final slide wrapping up the facts for the jury.

Part 2: technology for a law firm

Pretend you are a newly hired paralegal. Your supervising attorney has asked you what technology you believe is necessary to help a small firm run efficiently. Please use all the knowledge you have gained this term and make a list of the necessary hardware and software needed for a small firm. There are five attorneys, three paralegals and a secretary. Make sure to explain your suggestions.

Before turning in your paragraph please utilize security features to protect it. In your document, indicate what security features you used and why these features are so important to a legal professional. Please provide the password in the Dropbox comments so that your instructor is able to open your document.


Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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