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Summary of the Affordable Care Act in 4 slides

Debate the following:

The Affordable Care Act is achieving its intended outcomes.

The Affordable Care Act aligns with the IHI Triple Aim

Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation that demonstrates the team’s evaluation of the pros and cons, as well as whether the team reached a consensus. The presentation content must reflect pros and cons of each of the following components:

Connections to access and health insurance coverage
Insurance recipients
Expanded options of coverage
Payment systems reform
Equity for nursing services
Coordination of care and prevention
Workforce capacity
Public health provisions
Supporting data and evidence
Ethical, legal, and regulatory opportunities
Summarize the Affordable Care Act and include a minimum of two slides that focus on the team’s consensus.

The Affordable Care Act aligns with the IHI Triple Aim

Last Updated on March 8, 2019

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