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Structural biology-Design an experiment

Mini Assignment for CA2 (Lesson 4 – 6)

To be submitted to the Lesson 7 “Individual File Submission” folder in LEO 2.0 by 11:59pm on the day of your A332 Lesson 7.

Marks – 20

Please include your name, class, team and title of your assignment clearly.

Please note that plagiarism is a violation of the academic integrity expected of our students, and high plagiarism levels may affect your grade.  


Assignment 2:

  1. Using the assigned protein molecule, 4PN6perform structural analysis to determine if there are other similar molecules within the same organism, as well as across different organisms. Explain the significance and insights gained from these analyses.

Some guiding questions:

  • What is the primary amino acid sequence of the protein?
  • How can you determine if there are similar proteins within the same organism?
  • How can you determine if there are similar proteins across different organisms?
  • Are there any similarities or differences in the 3D structure of the closely related protein within the same organism? Present the structure of the assigned protein and 2 closely related protein within the same organism.
  • Are there any similarities of differences in the 3D structure of the closely related protein across different organisms? Present the structure of the assigned protein and 3 closely related protein from 3 different organisms.


  1. Design an experiment using SDS-PAGE to determine the molecular size of the protein.
    1. Present your experiment as a flow chart and indicate the rationale behind each step besides the flow chart.
    2. Draw a gel diagram to indicate the expected size of the protein.

Some guiding questions:

  • Are there any inter/intra molecular disulphide bonds in the protein?
  • Are there any other post-translational modification to the protein that may affect the size of the protein?

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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