Sociology Assignment

  1. Based on the films “Merchants of Cool,” and especially “Generation Like,” describe the similarities and differences of the teens being targeted in terms of the corporate propaganda tactics. Which ones have more creative freedom? How do you understand exactly what is being manipulated today?
  2. Please explore the following BBC site on on artificial intelligence, choosing those articles that are relevant for you and what you want to write about.

(Links to an external site.)

Choose two major areas or social institutions (think chapters) and describe how this “Blingularity” will impact those areas. Also, describe the conditions in which people may engage in organized social conflict, possibly violent, around the significant impacts this might have. No need to cite each article as long as it’s from BBC site. Of course, quotes are always cited.

  1. Describe the ways that this course has changed how you think of your/ our identities, talents, and creativity, especially in the sense of your worth or merit to society. You may choose to focus on one or more ideas. By thinking about this relationship differently, with a greater historical awareness, how might this change your habits or behaviors, if at all?

Analyze each one in two pages, double-spaced, using major concepts covered in class and in the text book. This is your choice of which concepts or ideas are useful and relevant. Please pick two major concepts or historical social institutions, ideologies, or movements covered in the course that you believe help us understand how this topic has “evolved” to this point. Please explain. The idea is that you are explaining it in sociological terms not simply in why one person is wrong or right, good or bad, smart or stupid.


Last Updated on September 20, 2019

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