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Social media sites and website

Write an essay of 500 words (about 2 pages without counting screenshots or figures).

Name a brand that you really like and for which you have a high level of loyalty. Access the brand’s website and the social media pages shown on the brand’s website.

Discuss the information provided on each social media. Based on the reasons brands use social media we discussed in class, discuss what you think is the reason for each social media site and evaluate in details how successful you think the brand is with social media. Provide screenshots of the social media sites and website to support your thoughts.


  • You are required to write an essay of 500 words (about 2 pages without counting screenshots or figures).
  • The grading of this assignment is based on the rubric. The rubric will be posted on Canvas.
  • Please present your essay topic with a PPT in class on Monday 10/28. Your presentation is limited to 5 minutes.


Last Updated on October 24, 2019

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