GUIDELINES for Sales Presentation Report
The Sales Presentation Project is comprised of a typed report and an oral (taped) sales presentation. This document provides the guidelines for the typed report. As you read through the guidelines you should also have a copy of the sample report nearby so you can cross-reference the two documents.
OBJECTIVE: The sales presentation project is an opportunity for students to demonstrate the selling skills that they have acquired during this course. It is comprised of a report and a live or taped sales presentation (no longer than 8 minutes). Students are to assume the role of a sales rep for a real company selling a real product in a business-to-business selling situation. For instance, you could be a sales rep for Johnson & Son, Inc. of Racine, Wisconsin who is calling on a Wal-Mart purchasing agent to present a line of shaving gels. Johnson & Son manufactures Skintimate shaving gels in a variety of sizes and fragrances. They are interested in expanding their market share.
As an academic project, it would however be advisable to consider a smaller retail chain or perhaps a single retailer since you must use realistic calculations when projecting sales quantities.
DUE: The typed report is due by noon on the scheduled due date in the class calendar. It should be a single file composed in Microsoft Word.
The “live” sales presentation is due one week after the report. For online classes, students must tape their sales presentation and upload it to youtube so the instructor can view it. In live classes, students have the option of doing a live presentation or uploading a taped presentation to youtube.
VALUE: The entire sales presentation project is worth 20% of your overall grade in this course. The typed report is 80 points and the actual sales presentation is 20 points.
FORMATTING: Create the following pages of the sales presentation report. The entire document should be a single Microsoft Word file. Use a 12 point type style throughout the document with bold headers for each section/page.
GUIDELINES: As a sales person, it is your responsibility to develop your own presentation – not your manager’s or instructor’s role. Thus, I will not be able to comment on specific facts or product benefits that you should include in your presentation. Tasks that you should complete include reading your text, visiting the library, contacting companies, and collecting information about the product and company you will represent. It is your responsibility to research, develop, and deliver a presentation that SELLS. There are seven places in the textbook (named Student Application Learning Experiences) that will help you with the presentation. They appear at the end of random chapters. The typed report must contain the following sections:
Page 1: Cover Sheet
Minimum requirements: Name of the product and the company that manufacturers it, your full name, MKTG 1160, and for the date use the current quarter.
Optional: An image that represents the product. Images can be downloaded from the Internet. Typically, it as easy as a right click on the image and then do a save as command to store the image on your disk or drive. Next, open the title page of your document and insert the image.
Page 2: Section Header is “Company Description”
Draft a one paragraph description of the “selling” company that illustrates key information such as its primary products and services, market share, and distribution system. The report MUST be written in the third person which means it cannot contain first person or second person pronouns such as me, I, us, we, our, you, or your.
Page 2 (continued): Section Header is “Product Description”
It is single paragraph that provides an overview of the product that is being sold. Key specifications about the product should be included. Type the description in paragraph form.
If it makes sense to list numerous product specifications then after the initial paragraph, the product specs can be listed as bulleted items.
Example of including bullets to detail product specifications:
Flash: Non-TTL method controlled from Speedlight.
Shooting Modes: Manual Exposure control.
Usable Lenses: All Nikkor AF-D, AI-P, AF-I, AI-S and AF-S lenses.
Flash: Non-TTL method controlled from Speedlight.
Film Advance: Manual.
Usable Lenses: All Nikkor AF-D, AI-P, AF-I, AI-S and AF-S lenses.
Page 3 (top of page): Section Header is “Prospect Description”
Begin the section with the name and address of the company that is being approached in the selling situation. Next, draft a brief overview about that company. It is fine to include a brief history (i.e., no more than a single paragraph of history) of that company; however, it is more important that this section demonstrates your knowledge of that company’s current and future marketing situation (i. e., the 4 Ps). Do NOT copy and paste information from a company website or another online or published source because that would be plagiarism…always use your own words.
Page 3 (continued): Section Header is “Sales Call Objectives”
Three sales objectives should be listed. The first one identifies the specific order sought. It should indicate the quantity and sales total of the suggested sales order (see page 12 in the sample sales presentation report).
The second sales call objective should reflect the frequently and amount of re-orders for the upcoming year.
The third objective should indicate a desire to create and maintain an ongoing customer relationship with this buyer/company.
Page 4: Section Header is “Customer Profile and Planning Sheet”
See Chapter 7 for example) containing the following required subheaders: name of company, address of company, type of business, name of buyer, people who influence buying decision or aid in using or seeing your product, buying hours and best time to see buyer, receptionist’s name, buyer’s personality type – See Chapter 3, buyer’s important buying needs. Use realistic information in this section.
Page 5: Section Header is “Competitive Analysis”
List the product being sold and two competing products that are available from other manufacturers. Compare key product features and include the suggested retail price for each product.
Page 6: Section Header is “Customer Benefits Plan”
This section is based on the product itself and is developed after forming the sales call objectives and the customer profile and planning sheet. The information in this section is the foundation of information that is used in the actual sales presentation
Include three or more FAB statements that addresses why the buyer should purchase your product. As you draft FAB statements keep thinking: The main reason a prospect buys a product is the product’s benefit in terms of filling a need or solving a problem.
Page 7: Section Header is “Marketing Plan”
This page is comprised of three or more FAB statements that communicate to buyer how they can sell product to their customers. It includes how, once the buyer buys your product, they will sell it to their customers. It should include suggestions on how a retailer should promote the product through displays, advertising, proper shelf space, and pricing.
Page 8: Section Header is “Business Proposition”
The business proposition covers “items such as price, percent markup, forecasted profits, return on investment, and payment plan”.
Page 9: Section Header is “Profit Forecast”
This page proves financial information that calculates two or more pricing scenarios. One scenario is the regular (or list price) that the buyer would pay for your product. One or more additional scenarios that illustrates cost savings that result from a discounted price. The discounted price may be a volume discount or perhaps it reflects a promotional discount.
There are two columns of numbers with the first column representing a “special” price if the sale is made NOW and the second one is the regular price.
The line items needed:
Special Regular
Price per case (100 units are in a case) $170.00 $200.00
Minimum number of cases per order (select a reasonable number) 7 7
Total Investment (Price times Number of cases per order) $1190.00 $1400.00
Total Gross Sales (the buyer’s price to their customers) $2100.00 $2100.00
Total Gross Profit (Total gross sales less Total investment) $910.00 $700.00
In the above example the product is sold by the case with 100 units in each case.
The regular price that the manufacturer charges the wholesaler is $200 per case. However, if the wholesaler will commit to buy TODAY then a special price of $170 per case is available on the initial order.
Each time the wholesaler places an order a minimum number of 7 cases is required and the regular price applies to future orders.
Page 9 (continued): Section Header is “Suggested Order”
Outline the initial sales order that you are seeking. Include quantities, prices, total order dollar amount, and payment terms.
Page 10: Section Header is Sales Presentation Dialog”
This part of the report is a typed script that contains the buyer and seller dialogue. The majority of the script is based on information that is contained in pages 3 through 9 of the typed sales presentation.
Bold headers are required for the following major sections of the sales script:
- Multiple Question Approach SPIN Approach
- Product using SELL Sequences
- Marketing Plan using SELL Sequences
- Business Proposition using SELL Sequence
- Close
Within the script, the following items must appear and be labeled (bold):
- The four questions for the multiple-question approach (Chapter 9); label each question.
- Two or more FABs related to Customer Benefits Plan (page 6 of report; label each F, A, and B)
- Two or more FABS related to Marketing Plan (page 7 of report; label each F, A, and B)
- One FAB related to the Business Proposition (page 8 of report; label each F, A, and B)
- One customer objection and method used to overcome it
- One proof statement
- Two trial closes
- One close (and identify which type of close it is. See page 382 of textbook)
General Comments:
The “key” to making a good grade is to incorporate the selling “techniques” covered in the textbook into your presentation. For example, creative demonstrations are a “must”; techniques to overcome objections are essential; use of questions is extremely important; and you cannot make the grade without great visuals. One very important thing I am looking for you to do is tie together the buyer’s taste needs uncovered in the pre-approach, approach, and SELL Sequences to form your presentation, handling of objections, and closes. I am very interested in how your approach, presentation, and close are related to each other. Points will be deducted if any one of the following is not done:
A. The paper is not written, typed and presented in a manner of a PROFESSIONAL SALESPERSON.
B. You do not have the appearance, mannerisms, and attitude adhered to by a professional salesperson during the sales presentation.
C. Your report is not completed and submitted by its assigned date.
D. Within buyer-seller dialogue, sections of presentation not clearly labeled.
E. You do not have a sales demonstration of a major benefit in your presentation. Showing your product is not a demonstration.
The typed report is 80% of the score for this project. The remaining 20% is the actual sales presentation. After you have developed your report including the creation of a scripted sales presentation (that includes dialogue for the sales rep and the prospective customer), you must video a role-play in which you are on a sales call. You’ll need to include a friend or colleague to act as the prospective customer. The customer may have a copy of the script to read; however, you must have your lines memorized (or at least enough to flow through your presentation).