Research Table

Research Table

PSY 560 Research Table
The purpose of this document is to help you organize the research that you conduct for your final project. The first portion of this document is an annotated bibliography. Here you will keep notes on the various research materials that you read while researching for your final project. The second portion of this document is a chart that you can use to take notes on key concepts of each theory. You will also note how the research is related to your selected theory for the final project. How relevant is the research? How does the research compare or contrast with the final project theory? You will use this information as you complete the milestone assignments and the final project. Incorporate the feedback you receive from this assignment as you continuing working on the table.
This is a working document that you will update as you encounter new research. You will turn this in several times throughout the term so your instructor can monitor your progress and provide feedback.
Refer to the Research Table Guidelines and Rubric document for more details on how you will be assessed on this table.
Part One: Annotated Bibliography
You will need a minimum of ten sources for your final project. Use this as a place to keep your research that you will use in your milestones and final project.
In Part One, you will be assessed on the following criteria:
Citation: Use APA formatting for your citations.
Summary and applicability to the final project
Not all sources you encounter in your research will be applicable to the final paper, so it is a good idea to note the relation the theory does or does not have. You may come back to a source at a later time as you gain more insight about the different theories, so note all the different research you encounter for easy retrieval.
Additional Notes
Summary and Applicability to Your Project
Additional Notes
Part Two: Theory Chart
Be sure to identify any theories that apply to the theory you are focusing on for your final project.
Key Concepts
Identify the key concepts of the research.
Historical Context and Historical Figures
Summarize the historical context of the research, including historical figures related to the research.
Validity and Accuracy
Part One of the textbook explains these terms to help you further evaluate the theory based on validity and accuracy. Use this information to evaluate the validity and accuracy of the research.
Applicability of Theory Today
Identify the contemporary application of each theory.
Theory’s Relationship to the Final Project
Does the new theory support or contrast with the theory evaluated in the final project?
What key concepts are important for the comparison to the final project?
Is there a strong or weak relation to the theory evaluated in the final project?
Theory Related to Final Project
Key Concepts
Historical Context and Historical Figures
Validity and Accuracy
Applicability of Theory Today
Connection to Final Project

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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