Remote Pumping Station


Project 3: Remote Pumping Station (Individual Project)


As our use of energy continues to grow and conventional fuel sources are becoming limited, alternative fuel sources are being developed.  The objective of this project is for students to explore the use of wind technology using turbinesto build a simple system model to represent the remote pumping station using this technology.


Major Concepts

Introduction to energy conversion, efficiency, electrical power, energy, voltage and current, sustainability, economic considerations,and systems engineering concepts.


Technical Skills

  • Create Hierarchical System diagram, system context diagram, and a functional flow block diagram
  • Using your diagrams (input and output) create a simple Excel file withan appropriate number of interactive sheets (tank, wind turbine and pump)


Analytical Skills
  • Sheet 1(Tank): Compute the required dimensions of the tank to support the required volume of water.
  • Sheet 2 (Wind turbine):Computethe power producedby the wind turbine based on the given wind data.
  • Sheet 3 (Pump):Compute the required potential energy for filling the water tank based on the height and required volume of the tank.
  • Memo: Writea final conclusion and recommendation.





                                        Renewable Energy Division

TO: EASC1107 Students

FROM: Representative for McKim & Creed, Inc.

RE: Design for Renewable Energy System


Damage from two major hurricanes has devastated many of the islands in the Caribbean including Puerto Rico.  FEMA and various government agencies are requesting proposals to assess the feasibility of using renewable energy systems to deliver water to remote areas in the Caribbean.


McKim & Creed, Inc. is interested in submitting a proposal and has hired you to assess the feasibility of using a renewable energy system that includesa wind turbine to provide electrical power to a pumping station. Water at the pumping station is stored in a supply tank that is supported by a base elevated 100ft from the ground.The company is proposing that a wind turbine be mounted on top of the water tank.


McKim & Creed wants you to determine specifications for this pumping station including storage tank dimensions, power required for pump, and turbine height and blade sizeneeded to meet the design requirements listed below (Instructors will assign different conditions for each student).

  • Supply water for a townin Puerto Rico with a population of 12,500people;
  • Assume per capita consumption rate of 50liters of water per day per person;
  • Store water in a reservoir tank with enough capacity for a three-day supply of water;
  • Design a self-sufficient pumping station;
  • Supply no external power to pump the water to the reservoir tank.


The wind turbine has an efficiency of 50%,the pump has an efficiency of 55%, and the pump operates for 12 hours each day.


The following daily wind data was provided for design considerations.


Table 1: Wind Data

Wind speed (m/s)%time




Figure 1: Wind data


Draft a memo to McKim & Creed that provides the following:

  • A brief explanation of how a wind turbine operates
  • System diagrams and their use in designing the system
  • Discussion of design calculations including assumptions
  • Renewable energy system specifications
  • Recommendation as to the feasibility of the renewable energy system, including environmental, social and economic impacts
  • Future work to be done or alternative to the design.


Since other engineers in the company will review all designs submitted, include the following supporting documentation as attachments to the memo:

  • Systems diagrams drawn with computer software, not by hand (hierarchical, context and functional flow diagrams)
  • Spreadsheet of your design calculations.


Written Report Requirements

Each student will submit a technical memo via Turnitin, addressing the items outlined above. Follow the format already discussed and posted on BlackBoard on Technical Memos.




Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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