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Rebels in the Pipeline and Niger Delta analysis


Watch this video, about 25 minutes, Video name: Rabels in the Pipeline:

After watching the Rebels in the Pipeline video, discuss here your impressions about power and resources in the Niger Delta. Your initial responses will likely be that all the powerful people in government and the oil companies are evil and corrupt, and the villagers are passive victims. Try to go past that a bit.

What options for protest are available to people who are most marginalized by the activities, that include corruption and mismanagement and outright neglect, of the government and oil companies? You might also explore why this is such as the extreme case in Nigeria, whereas many other places that are also oil-rich, do not have this kind of situation. Finally, consider the agency, or the ability to act, that villagers do have. What examples do you see in the video where people assert their ability to act or protect others? These can be very nuanced actions.

Last Updated on February 17, 2019

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