Assignment Guidelines:
1. Select a mock client. The mock client can be a classmate, friend, co-worker, etc… The mock client must be seeing you for a mock problem or issue. You are to treat your mock client’s issue/problem as if it is real and you are handling this as a social work intern in your intern agency.
2. Conduct a videotaped session with the mock client. You are required to record your session with your mock client. The video should be of good picture and sound quality and both you and the mock client must be visible in the video.
3. Transcribe and Assess. You will need to utilize the process recording template that is provided to you, to transcribe your session and to assess your gut reactions, your skills, and areas of improvement.
4. Supervisor feedback. Your field supervisor will need to review the video of your mock session and provide you with feedback on the process recording template (please note that the template has a designated column for supervisor feedback). It is strongly suggested you play your video for your field supervisor during your supervision session. This will give the field supervisor an opportunity to observe your skills and provide feedback in a timely manner.
Pay close attention to this: The mock video takes the place of the verbatim column. The assignments states that you are to video tape yourself then transcribe the session verbatim, you do not have to transcribe the session, you just have to complete the other 2 columns (student’s gut level feelings and student’s analysis) and show the video to your field instructor and let them complete the last column (field instructor’s comments). You can leave that column blank as well.
The video above is what needs to be used when completing the rest of the process recording. I have uploaded the form that you are to use I have also completed the identifying information, purpose of the session, and initial observations. The other 2 required columns, assessment of the client/assessment of your own work, and the next steps that you plan to do/questions is what need to be completed and filled in. I have also uploaded a sample process recording as an example and a process recording context explanation sheet. I need someone who is aware of process recordings and social work along with theories to complete this assignment correctly and on time.