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Politics of global economic governance


You will write a well-researched and compelling analysis about a current business trend. You may choose the scope of your analysis by creating a context for the analysis in terms of company, industry, business function, time range, and audience. You will direct the analysis to a business decision-maker.

Before you begin writing, analyze the trend carefully and determine which aspects of it are likely to affect your audience. Then construct arguments that link the trend to your advice. Why should anyone be interested in this trend? Will it really affect your audience? How can they take advantage of it or make sure they aren’t adversely affected by it? What arguments will work with this audience?

You will conclude your paper with recommendations. The recommendations you offer should be specific, realistic, and actionable. Your goal is both to inform the audience about the trend and to persuade them to take the steps you recommend—to sell your recommendations to them.

Your analysis (introduction and body) should comprise roughly 70 to 80 percent of your paper. Your recommendations should comprise roughly 20 to 30 percent of your paper.


Length: 6 to 8 single-spaced pages of text (not including title page, references, charts, tables, and other graphics).

Charts, tables, and graphics: Incorporate whatever visual tools you feel will help the reader understand your points and assimilate them easily and efficiently. You must include at least two tables, charts, or graphics.

Sources: This assignment requires research as well as analysis. You should include at least 10 to 15 credible and reliable secondary sources. Document your sources accurately and appropriately throughout your report. You are not required to conduct any primary research. However, I consider using primary research as ambitious and challenging (that’s a good thing!).


Along with all the criteria of good business writing, your grade for this assignment will be based in part on the following additional factors:

•how clearly you explain the trend

•how convincingly you substantiate it

•how relevant the trend is to your audience

•how clear your recommendations are

•how appropriate your recommendations are to your audience (specific, realistic, actionable)

•how persuasively you “sell” your recommendations to your audience

•how well your graphics explain, clarify, and persuade

•how effective your layout is

explained? How does that relationship impact on the politics of global economic governance?

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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