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Police Brutality Against African American Males

Defining the Problem: Black Lives Matter campaign: Police Brutality Against African American Males

For this first milestone you will describe the social change issue that will be the focus of your campaign. For example, if you were interested in the Black Lives Matter campaign, you would describe the issue of police brutality against African American youth. You would define the scope of the issue by describing who is impacted by the problem, and brainstorm potential approaches and tactics to address this issue.

First, research potential advocacy organizations that are doing work in your interest area. For example, organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center (Links to an external site.), the Urban Institute (Links to an external site.), and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault(Links to an external site.), can provide some examples of how advocacy organizations frame their issue areas.

Police Brutality Against African American Males Assignment

Next, write a 3–4 page paper with a comprehensive and clear definition of the social problem you have identified including who is affected, how they are affected, and the main causes of the problem. Include information on how you are choosing to frame the problem and why. Your paper should also identify at least three potential approaches and tactics for addressing this issue.

The following critical elements must be addressed:

  • Problem Definition: Provide a description of the social problem
    • Who is impacted (i.e., what population)?
    • How are they impacted (specifically)?
    • What do you think is the root cause of the problem?
    • How will you frame this problem? Why?
  • Approaches: Identify at least three possible approaches for addressing this issue
    • What’s the connection between the approaches and the identified social problem? Be sure to identify approaches that are concrete (e.g. 10% reduction in gun ownership) and measurable (e.g., impacting college students endorsement of rape myths).
  • Tactics: Identify at least three distinct tactics that are clearly related to the identified approaches
  • Targets: Who are the primary and secondary targets of the tactics? Why are these individuals important?
  • Potential Partners: What potential partners can you identify? Why are they important to the movement?
  • Steps: What steps can be taken to achieve these tactics? (For instance, the steps to lobby a public official.)

Support your assertions by citing at least three high quality sources in APA format. Ensure there is a balance between peer-reviewed academic resources, popular press (books or credible media like The New York Times), and grey literature (online resources). *Please include an introduction and conclusion.

Your paper should be free of stylistic/mechanical errors and should be well structured and coherent with the use of topic sentences, subject headings, and a clear thesis/paper roadmap.

This assignment is due at 11:59 p.m. CST the evening before our next live session.


7230 – 8 – Final Project Milestone One: Defining the Problem

7230 – 8 – Final Project Milestone One: Defining the Problem
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem DefinitionThe social problem has been clearly defined; problem definition identifies who is impacted and how, and discusses the root cause of the problem and how it can be framed and why30.0pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApproachesAt least three approaches for addressing the issue have been identified. There is a clear connection between these approaches and the identified social problem. Approaches are concrete and measurable.30.0pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTacticsAt least three distinct tactics have been identified, and they are clearly related to the identified approaches. Primary and secondary targets of the tactics have been identified and it has been clearly explained why these individuals are important. Potential partners have been identified, and it is explained why these individuals are important to the movement. Specific activities to achieve these tactics have been described.30.0pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics/Articulation of ResponseAssertions are supported by citing at least three sources in APA format. There is a balance between peer-reviewed academic resources, popular press (books or credible media like The New York Times), and grey literature (online resources). Essay is free of stylistic/mechanical errors and is well structured and coherent with the use of topic sentences, subject headings, and a clear thesis/paper roadmap.10.0pts
Total Points: 100.0


Ethics and Police Brutality

Last Updated on July 21, 2020

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