Performance Analysis

Performance analysis utilizes techniques and tools from various disciplines. A complete performance analysis should include the following five (5) techniques: extant data analysis, needs analysis, knowledge task analysis, procedural task analysis, and systems task analysis. In this week, you will analyze the process of performance analysis. Maximizing performance is the desired end result. Two excellent resources for performance analyses (including organizational environmental, gap, and cause analysis) are case studies 2.1 and 2.2 within Fundamentals of performance improvement: A guide to improving people, process, and performance.

Van Tiem, D., Moseley, J. L., &Dessinger, J. C. (2012). Fundamentals of performance improvement: A guide to improving people, process, and performance. (3rd ed.). Pfeiffer.

HPT tools

GaryPlatt. (2010, June 24). From performance gap to needs analysis

For this assignment, write a paper in which you thoroughly analyze the cases to provide a comprehensive report that includes the following:

  • Identify the key issues, goals, and options.
  • Identify the causes of the performance gap.
  • Identify potential interventions.
  • Evaluate the intervention/recommendation from a cost/benefit perspective and implementations (ramifications of the actions).
  • Compare and contrast the processes used in the cases.
  • Recommend solutions and interventions to the organization that you would do differently.
  • Discuss how you could apply the cases to your organization and the rationale.

Length: 6 pages not including title and reference page
References: Minimum of 7 scholarly resources.

The first phase in the HPT model is performance analysis. Performance analysis is important because it identifies the cause of the problem or the opportunities available to use as powerful sources of innovation. During performance analysis, training and performance specialists see two broad types of information: direction (vision, mission, values, etc. that impact performance) and performance drivers (internal and external factors affecting performance positively or negatively).

In the HPT Model, performance analysis focuses on four areas:

  1. Desired performance state
  2. Actual performance state
  3. The gap between desired and actual performance
  4. Causes of gaps in performance

In the next few activities in the module, you will utilize techniques for performance analysis, select an intervention, and evaluate performance.

Review the following video: From Performance Gap to Needs Analysis
Afterwards, reflect on the following questions:

  1. What are the linkages between needs analysis, performance analysis, organization analysis, and gap analysis?
  2. What similarities do you see in the video and from your reading?

Performance Analysis

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Last Updated on February 14, 2019

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