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Outcomes Based Evaluation Plan


An evaluation plan outlines what you intend to monitor or measure and how, along with a plan on how your results will improve the program itself or decision making regarding it. Create the plan for a mental health program. his project is a planning exercise that will permit you to explore the ideas around evaluation methodologies, analysis of outcomes, and best practices for writing and reporting.

Evaluation Program: Wrap Around Services to Enhance Client Treatment Plan

Reasons for Implementing Outcomes-Based Evaluation

There are several reasons why I chose to do an outcomes-based evaluation. One of the pending issues of concerns is the decreasing funds for nonprofits. Yet, the need for services are increasing in the community. More focus on whether nonprofit programs are really making a difference is why an outcomes evaluation would focus on whether programs are really making a difference for clients. It is suggested that previously evaluated measurements were on how much money spent, number of people served and on client satisfaction. These measurements don’t really assess impacts on clients. I found that the outcomes evaluation looks at impacts/benefits to clients during and after participation in program services.


An 8 page proposal for an outcomes-based evaluation plan, reflecting evaluation elements using the (Wrap Around Series to Enhance Client Treatment Plan topic).
The presentation should be professional, as if it were being prepared for an agency.
A reference list and citations with correct APA format.
Start the reference list on a new page, labeling it as an appendix.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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