Hospital Background
Medical Center of Minnesota is a leading healthcare organization specializing in pediatric healthcare and has an expanded network of physicians and pediatric specialists. It is the beginning of the fiscal budgetary year, and all assessments, improvement projects, and proposals are due within the next 30 days. As privacy officer, you will have to create a privacy and security plan. This process will consist of three components: an assessment of the organization, a training and awareness program, and a communication plan.
The purpose of the assessment is to review the current condition and the effectiveness of your privacy and security program in order to move forward with HIPAA’s privacy and security requirements.
Once the assessment is complete, you will use the results to make a decision about improvement tools, and you will create a training and awareness plan. The purpose of the training and awareness plan is to bring awareness to the organization for a collaborative effort in improving the privacy and security of the facility. The plan will, preferably, focus on areas that need special attention, such as issues related to HIPAA compliance, including physical safeguards.
Once both the assessment and the training and awareness plan are complete, you will then need to develop communication tools to convey to the rest of the organization.
Assessment Findings
You completed your assessment and found that several policies are out of date or are missing critical elements. You submitted a plan to management, and management has approved your proposed actions to implement two new policies, create two reporting tools to ensure easy compliance with the new policies, and to train employees on the new policies and tools. Following the directions below, create the new policies, reporting tools, and inform staff of training.
Once you have completed these three elements, compile all the information into a 15-minute presentation that you will give to management discussing your overall findings, policies, tools, and the training conducted.
See Required Elements of this page for additional details.
Communication Tools week 6
Communicate the new policies and tools to employees of the organization. This will be helpful in training employees in order to have direction on privacy and security efforts for the year.
Your two communication tools could be in the following format: A flyer, brochure, intranet announcement, e-mail, handout, poster, or other form of communication.
In addition, your communication tools need to address
- why training is being provided;
- dates of training; and
- location of training.