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Marketing Communication Individual Assignment Sample

Marketing Communication individual Assignment

UTS Marketing Communication (24736)

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Brand: Quorn

Product: Chicken free slice

  1. Campaign Brief Description

The TV advertisement of Quorn company in 2019, in this case, is about chicken free slices. Structurally, this piece of television advertising is a question and answer format. During the campaign, “Question” -what food is usually served to everyone at a tennis tournament. Then the “Answer”- is delicious corn vegan chicken free slices, and everyone agrees that the home-made wrap with this product is top-notch. Besides, the characters throughout the advertisement are mainly women and children, showing the shots of playing tennis and eating the product before and after, and communicate to the audience with an active feeling. In addition, the advertising content is accompanied by eye-catching product information shows that it is the high-quality sources of protein, also benefit the growth and maintain muscles. The final shot ends to give an attractive brand logo that emphasizes the brand’s core mission: “Quorn-healthy protein, healthy planet” (see appendix).

  1. Positioning and “Involvement by Motivation”

Grid Positioning refers to the place where the product fits in the market and how well it is distinguished from others in customers’ minds. Quorn company used the problem and solution positioning and benefit positioning. The problem, vegans had no variety in lunchtime solutions, and Quorn made the chicken free slices precisely for that. The slices cater for both their vegan and vegetarian customer base. Being gluten-free, high in protein and low in saturates as clearly shown on the labels in the packaging, that providing many health benefits to the consumers. The advertisement shows that the product can satisfies both consumers’ taste and their nutritional needs.

In addition, according to the theory of “partitioning”, which is a hierarchy that determines attributes and defines a subset of competing products, it is designed to determine the optimal level of advertising (Carter& Silverman, 2004). The “chicken-free slices” is another sub-category of the total product category. In this campaign, it is in order to stimulate consumers to switch to choose chicken flavour products, instead of others such as beef and pork.

This chicken free slices product category requires a low-involvement transformational brand attitude. The risk of purchase is low, just a simple trial and experience is enough to entice the customers as they taste very good with close similarity to the real chicken slices (Whitby 2018). Informational motivation drove the campaign. In addition, the picture of the homemade part presented by the advertisement conveys the diversity of product consumption. Moreover, it can be appreciated by vegetarian consumers looking for something satisfactory and easy to prepare. So that consumers can easily perceive the characteristics and advantages of the product, also encourage consumers to try and taste. Providing a gluten-free diet to a growing number of vegans is certainly Quorn’s objective.

  1. Target Customers

The young people, women and wealthy people eat meat substitutes more frequently (Bogueva, 2018). This also reflects that the target customers are mainly focus on women and young people who are brand loyalists and switchers, also preferring high-nutrient, high-protein, low-fat products features. The health characteristics of the slice and the similar texture of the chicken help to convey positive motivation and allow people to consider switching to a meat-free diet. In addition, chicken pieces are also suitable for people with gluten intolerance and sports cultures that require low fat and high protein. Therefore, the ad uses positive and beneficial effects to maintain brand loyalty and reduce the likelihood of brand conversion.

  1. Communications Strategy and Objectives

The campaign’s objective is to organize popular meat products and provide, not just a healthy alternative but a delicious one as well. Positioned as cheap and highly nutritious vegan chicken slices, the strategy to use the TV ad as market communication was perfect to advertise the slices effectively. Women, especially mothers, are avid TV watchers, and they also form a considerable population of the vegan customer base as they try to tackle the threat of unhealthy fast foods in their households (Radzicki, 2017).

The ad is short and very informative. Within less than thirty seconds, the company was able to make the customer feel already comfortable with the product. Focusing on their health-based pivot points of gluten-free and low-fat, the ad is able to deliver key components of the slices that could have otherwise gone unnoticed. The TV ad is relatable and has an appealing vibe to the audience, from the smooth soundtrack to the soothing narrating voice. The choice of the environment as the tennis court adds even more of that athlete-friendly atmosphere.

  1. Creative Strategy and


With a shift in trends, from the unhealthy, environment-harming meat products to the healthy and nutritious meat substitutes, the chicken-free slices are entirely plant-based, making it environment-friendly which is the opposite of the real chicken slices.

The big labels on their packaging, promoting their main selling points, was an effective tactic. It is sure to catch the eye of lots of people on the lookout for gluten-free products.

The ad aimed to make you hungry, and it surely does a good job of it. The video shots are exquisite; the slices in the ad look magical and will leave you wanting just to grab a bite.

  1. Conclusion

The downside to using the TV ad as a marketing medium is that TV viewership has gone down over the years. The TV has been a victim of streaming and social media (Luckerson, 2014). It no longer commands the same respect as it did before the internet. The money-driven meat industry is not taking lightly to the intrusion into their culture and is currently fighting the plans to organize meat-based products.

The campaign was an overall success. The ad has more than four thousand views on YouTube with positive comments. The video is perfectly short, just enough to keep you attentive and alert to the content. The chicken-free slices are highly regarded for their taste and all-vegan constituents. It has a lot of positive reviews, from customers to chefs. If they could make more such ads, and also explore other marketing media, such as social media to get to their target customers, it would be helpful in achieving their objectives.


Quorn “chicken free slices” TV advertisement screenshot:

Website link:


References list:

Bogueva, 2018, ‘Marketing Meat Alternatives: Meat Myths and Their Replication in Advertising for Plant-Based Meat’, Handbook of Research on Social Marketing and Its Influence on Animal Origin Food Product Consumption pp. 313-326.

Carter& Silverman, 2004, ‘An empirical approach to market Partitioning’, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing Vol. 12, 4, viewed 24 August 2019, <>.

Luckerson, V. 2014, Here’s Proof Television Is Slowly Dying, viewed 20 August 2019, <>.

Radzicki, M. 2017, Why 79 Percent of American Vegans are Women, viewed 22 August 2019, <>.

Whitby, R. 2018, Quorn Launches Vegan Deli Line, viewed 23 August 2019

Last Updated on August 23, 2023

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