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Literary movement

Part 1. Research Paper choose one of the following (a poem) or a literary movement: Papers should be 1800-2200 words.

Part 2. PowerPoint chooses one of the following (a literary movement) or (an author):

***PowerPoint 5 slides

A summary of this assignment:

  • You will choose either a poem to analyze or a literary movement to discuss. (Topics MUST be different than PowerPoint Presentation topics.) If a poem is chosen, make sure to include a critical approach and at least three literary devices that fit the poem. If a literary movement is chosen, it needs to be more than just a boring history. You still need an original thesis that looks at the topic in an interesting way and has at least three main points that are discussed. Papers should be 1800-2200 words. The word count does not include the title page or the bibliography.
  • The presentation can be about an author or a particular literary movement .The presentation must have at least 5 slides with relevant, accurate information (not including the Title slide and a Bibliography slide).


Last Updated on March 20, 2019

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