Leadership Profile

Write a profile of a leader you know. Preferably, this is someone in management where you work – or where you once worked. If you don’t know such a leader, write about some other leader you know who leads an organization such as a school, church, service club, Girl or Boy Scouts, or local National Guard.

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Your profile should include the following:

  1. Introductory description of the leader.
  2. Show an example of the leader in action.
  3. Analyze your leader in terms of one of the theories discussed in your textbook. Example chart below starter that you could complete. Take notes on the various leadership traits and then select one or two to develop in your profile.

Based on your chart and other notes, finish writing the profile based on your observations and analysis of your leader. Your submitted assignment should be 1-3 pages. Be sure to use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar and cite your sources per APA.

Leadership IssueNotes
Big-Five Model:

Extrovert vs. Introvert



Emotional stability

Openness to experience

Machiavellianism (manipulative, maintains emotional distance) 
Fiedler Model: Leader is pleasant/unpleasant, efficient/ inefficient, open/ guarded, supportive/hostile, task-oriented/ relationship-oriented. Note Leader-member relations, Task structure,  Position power.If you think that the Fiedler model is what drives your leader, write your profile discussing why this is the case.  For example, you may have a strong task oriented leader who is very effective because the situational variables are either very high or very low.
Coercive vs. Rewards leader 
Leader behavior: Directive, Supportive, Participative, Achievement-Oriented 
Charismatic leaderIs your leader an example of charismatic leadership being used when it should not be?



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Last Updated on April 25, 2020

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