Please read the following articles.
Hooker, R. S., Brock, D. M., & Cook, M. L. (2016). Characteristics of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in the United States. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 28, 39-46.
Ponte, P., &O’Neill, K. (2013). Hiring into advanced practice positions: The nurse practitioner versus physician assistant debate. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(6), 329-335.
Maylone, M., Ranieri, L., Griffin, M., McNulty, R., & Fitzpatrick, J. (2011). Collaboration and autonomy: perceptions among nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 23(1), 51-57.
Tubbesing, G., Chen, F. (2015). Insights from exemplar Practices on Achieving Organization Structures in Primary Care. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 28(2), 190-194.

Comparison and summary the NP and PA role ASSIGNMENT due Tuesday 9/5 at noon.
All papers need to be presented in APA format to include a cover sheet. Use the Kraemer Library databases for references. Use the 6th edition of the Publication Manual for your APA reference for formatting. Incorrect formatting will result in loss of points.
Use of References
All references must be from United States journals.Foreign journal articles will not be accepted.Synthesized on-line references including sites such as Up-to-date, Epocrities, Medline, LexiComand 5 Minute Consult, and Metscape are not original references. Although the Cochran Review is well recognized as an annotative source you need to look at the original articles. Be aware of using on-line composite reference sites- many of these are international sources and are notUS publications.

Published articles from US published journals or reference books can be found through the Kramer Library databases. Google is not a health professional search engine. Although web sites provide helpful information they may not be used as original resources for the required references. Websites can be included in addition to the original references where applicable. Journal articles must be within 5 years for currency. These guidelines are applicable to all references for papers in this course.

1. Knowing Who You Are
Throughout your advanced practice career you will be asked by professionals, patients, physicians, friends, and neighbors how your role is different from that of a Physician’s Assistant (PA). Please present a three page paper comparing and contrasting the two roles. Include educational requirements, certification, re-certification and licensure. Describe the differences in models of care. Reflect on one domain of nursing that you view is exclusive to advanced practice nursing that is not reflected in PA practice. Please include 3 original references. Check professional PA and NP web sites for additional information about these roles.

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Last Updated on April 25, 2020

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