Essay Writer » Essay Blog » Business Essays Help » INTERNATIONAL MARKETING LESSONS IN KOREAN


Country of group is Korea

Company selected Walmart

(Week 2-1) Question 2: Please find a story about an international company that has successfully/unsuccessfully entered [The Country of your Group] due to its understanding/misunderstanding of the country’s culture, geography, or history

(Week 2-2) Question 3: Please find a story about cultural differences between [The Country of your Group] and Canada/US and explain how those differences affect Canada/US companies in doing business in [The Country of your Group]

(Week 3-2) Question 4: Please prepare an overview of political risks in [The Country of your Group] and explain how those risks affect Canada/US companies in doing marketing activities in [The Country of your Group]

(Week 4-1) Question 5: Please prepare an overview of economic development of [The Country of your Group] and discuss how the economic development create opportunities for doing business in [The Country of your Group]

(Week 5-1) Question 6: Please prepare an overview of economic development of region of [The Country of your Group] and discuss how the economic development create opportunities for doing business in [The Country of your Group]

(Week 5-2) Question 7: Please find a story about an international company that has had an impressive global marketing program in [The Country of your Group].  Explain why the global marketing program has been impressive.

(Week 6-1) Question 8: Please find a story about an international company that has successfully/unsuccessfully adapted its product for the market of [The Country of your Group]. Explain the success or failure.

(Week 6-2) Question 9: Please find a story about an international company that has successfully/unsuccessfully established its distribution channels for the market of [The Country of your Group]. Explain the success or failure.


Last Updated on May 11, 2020

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