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International Health

1. IHR Revision Worksheet

Revision period 1

Revision period 2

Use the archival documents and the Fidler and Gostin reading to answer yes or no to the following questions and note which document(s)

you used to get to that answer. I have split the IHR revision into two periods: one pre- SARS 1995-2002 and one post-SARS 2003-2005. Answer

the questions for each of these periods.



Did IHR revision occur?

Were there disease outbreaks going on that caused fear among states?

Did states think that the IHR needed to be revised?

Did the US think that the IHR needed to be revised?

Did states agree on the way in which the IHR should be revised? In other words, did they generally agree on the means ?

Did WHO leadership favor a major IHR revision?

Did the lower level WHO staff who were in charge of the IHR revision favor a major revision?

2. Other questions

1. How does the 2005 IHR differ from the previous version?

2. Did the revision process in the first period (1995-2002) look different from the second (2003-2005)? For instance, how closely were

states consulted about the revision in the first period compared to the second?

3. In the first period (1995-2002), which parts of the IHR did staff focus on changing?
4. In the second period (2002-2005), which parts of the IHR did staff focus on changing?

Last Updated on February 16, 2018

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