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Implementation Plan Appendix C

Database Requirements

This assignment will serve as a starting point for a database information system you plan to implement in your business. After reading the information in Appendix C, think about the different entities you might use for your business.

Write an analysis of the following:

You need to list three entities you plan to include in your database along with the attributes associated with them. See Figure C.1 on page C.2 for examples. You must explain the data you are planning to keep track of and why. You need to explain why this information is important to your business structure. What kinds of relationships exists between your different entities?

Instructions for your submission:

  • Create a new Word document
  • Save the document as “Appendix C-YourName
  • Add a bolded heading titled: Database Requirements
  • Follow the formatting requirements below
  • Be sure your analysis is clear and organized.
  • Change the Footer on the Word document to: Left (Your Name), Middle (Page number), Right (semester, year).
  • Submit “Appendix C-YourName” prior to the due date and time.

Formatting Requirements:

  • Times New Roman, 12 point font
  • One-inch margins (indent first line of paragraphs 1/2-inch)
  • Double spaced (no extra spacing before or after paragraphs)
  • Correct spelling and punctuation
  • Complete sentences

For future reference:

For your final Implementation Plan, you will use Access to design a database. If you do a thorough job of planning now, it may save you time later.


Last Updated on March 14, 2019

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