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Hurricane Katrina

Presentation: 20 min the approximate length of time for professional conference presentations. A PowerPoint presentation will likely be your base, but you can incorporate or embed other media as needed to enhance your presentation.

Project Content:

Type of disaster – history, examples, characteristics, typical impacts of a hazard/threat of this kind
Psycho-social consequences of this type of incident– historical data, research-based data, observations, and disaster survivor narrative.

Community Resilience à Recovery – What has historically helped communities recover from this type of event? What do you surmise enhances a community’s collective ability to recover to near pre-disaster conditions? What factors have worked against community recovery or prevented barriers in the past?

Paths to Community Resilience à Mitigation – Imagine your group is developing a Mitigation Program for that kind of disaster.What would make communities stronger and better able to survive the consequences of a disaster of this type? What could be done in advance of such an incident occurring to make communities more resilient after the fact? What would a mitigation program look like? How does this kind of mitigation activity include behavioral health resilience?

Just the first two points highlighted. all references in APA . You will need to include at least 5 peer-reviewed journal articles along with additional sources as needed. Bibliography and all embedded citations must be in APA style. Please see this guideline:

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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