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How to Structure an Argument Essay

What if we told you that writing the structure of an argument essay is actually a lot like cooking?

You’ll need to plan what ingredients to use, boil them for a long time and then taste as you go.

The same goes for writing: You need to outline your position clearly before jumping into the meat of your argument.

In this post, we’ll show how these two analogies apply to each other so that writers can structure their own works with confidence.

When you structure your argument essay, the best way to start an essay is to have a strong thesis already in mind.

How to Structure an Argument EssayThe best way to start an argumentative essay is to have a strong thesis already in mind.

A thesis statement is like a mini-thesis: it’s clear and concise, controversial, and debatable.

The first paragraph should be devoted to setting up your position on the issue at hand—what you believe about it and why—and then supporting that position with examples from your reading or research (if applicable).

This will help show how others might disagree with what you’re saying as well as provide some justification for why they might be wrong.

For example: “Too much homework can lead students into depression.”

This is not an original idea; many people have said it before me!

But I have evidence from my own experience that shows why this happens: when kids get too much homework each night after school (or even during), they don’t have time for anything else because their brains are tired from thinking about calculus all day long instead of playing video games or hanging out with friends after school/work/etc…

For example, if your thesis is “Too much homework can lead students into depression,” then in the first paragraph you might include a personal anecdote about how this happened to you (if applicable).

This will help show how others might disagree with what you’re saying as well as provide some justification for why they might be wrong.

A thesis can be found in many places—a debate speech, a lawyer’s closing argument, even an advertising slogan.

A thesis statement is a clear, specific idea that you can use to guide your argument.

For example: “The defense of marriage is a fundamental right and should not be denied to anyone.”

This is an adequate thesis statement because it’s not too broad and it’s not too narrow.

It also makes sense—it addresses an important topic without being too general or leading with a specific example (like “marriage”).

If someone were to ask me what I meant by this statement, I’d probably say something along these lines: “Marriage equality has been denied to same-sex couples for decades.”

This is a very strong thesis statement because it’s specific, clear and well-supported by evidence.

It’s also an argument—it makes a claim that can be proven or disproven.

This is what makes this statement better than the previous one; it’s not just a statement of fact, but an assertion that can be argued based on evidence.

The structure of your argument essay will rely on the outline you write for your introduction.

The goal is to have your argument develop from a single idea into several conclusions, so it’s important that you organize information into different parts or sections of your paper.

The introduction should include:

  • A thesis statement (a short sentence or phrase) that summarizes what the rest of your body paragraphs are going to argue about;
  • A topic sentence (i.e., “Thesis Statement”) which introduces readers to an issue they may not be aware of before reading further; and * Previews of evidence supporting each point made in previous paragraphs (called “evidence”), using examples and quotes from other sources such as academic articles or news stories.

Your body paragraphs should be organized around the thesis statement and each should contain a topic sentence that indicates what is being argued.

Each paragraph should also contain at least one example or quote from another source that supports its claim.

Your position or opinion is your thesis statement.

The thesis statement is the main point of your essay.

It’s what you’re trying to prove, and it should be clear, concise and a single sentence.

It’s important that this statement is written with your audience in mind—and that’s why it needs to be written by someone who will be reading your argument for the first time (or reviewing it).

A thesis statement should be a clear and concise statement of your argument.

It should also be specific—that is, it shouldn’t be something like “The topic of my paper is whether or not the government should have control over the economy.”

Every claim or point you make in an essay should be supported by two or three pieces of evidence that show why you think it’s true.

If you’re writing a persuasive essay, these can include:

  • Textual evidence (quotes from books, articles and documents)
  • Visual evidence (photos and videos)
  • Audio recordings of speeches and interviews

If your argument has been accepted by your teacher as being relevant to the topic then they will expect you to have some supporting material for each claim/point that you make.

When you structure an argument essay, the key is to make sure that each point is backed up by evidence.

Claim + Evidence = Paragraph

The first step in writing an argument essay is to identify the claim and evidence.

If you have a specific question, then your topic sentence should state that question as well as any supporting evidence you intend to provide.

For example: “My opponent’s position on gun control is flawed because he has not considered all of the facts.”

The next step is to divide up your paragraphs according to their logical structure (I’ll explain more about this later).

Each paragraph should be between three and five sentences long in order for readers to understand what they’re reading!

You can also include subheadings or bullet points if it works better with your essay style—but make sure they’re easy enough for anyone else who might read over your work later on!

The next step is to develop your argument.

You should make sure that each paragraph has a clear point of view and builds on the previous paragraphs.

For example: “First, my opponent argues that gun control laws do not work because criminals will always find a way around them.”

Then you should continue with additional evidence or analysis of this claim.

Your first paragraph should grab your reader’s attention and state your argument clearly so they know what you’re trying to prove.

How to Structure an Argument EssayThe first paragraph is the most important part of an argument essay.

It should be a hook that grabs your reader’s attention, so they’ll read on and see what you have to say about it.

To do this, begin with a claim or thesis statement: “Dogs are better pets than cats.” Or “My cat is much more dependable than my dog.” This sentence will help orient the reader as they move through your essay.

The second sentence should then help explain why this particular claim makes sense—for example, if it’s because dogs are easier to train than cats (which would make them better pets).

After making these two claims in your opening paragraph and explaining why they’re true (or not), finish by restating them again: “Dogs are better pets than cats.”

You don’t need any more explanation here; just re-state in one sentence what you’ve been saying all along!

This is a good way to get your reader interested in what you have to say, and it helps them understand how your essay will go.

A good argument essay always provides readers with a strong thesis statement right off the bat.

Thesis statements are the main points of your argument and they should be stated in an obvious way that can be understood by anyone reading your essay.

A good thesis statement will make it easy for you to construct an effective supporting argument, but they aren’t always easy to come up with on their own.

Here are some tips:

  • Take time to think about what you want to say before writing anything down; this will help ensure that your ideas come across as well-organized and coherent throughout the rest of your paper.
  • Try brainstorming different ways of stating each point (e.g., “The author supports his case by pointing out several reasons why he thinks…”). This process can help you realize which positions are most important for building up support for his or her point(s).

If you’re having trouble coming up with a thesis statement right away, try writing down the points that are most important to your argument and how they relate to each other.

Then go back through this list and see if there is any sort of pattern or theme that can be used as a basis for your thesis statement.

Conclusion of How to Structure an Argument Essay

Writing an argumentative essay is not an easy task, but if you follow the steps we’ve outlined above, you’ll find that it becomes much easier over time.

The key is to start out with a strong thesis statement and then follow that up with supporting evidence of your claims—this will help ensure that your essay will be clear and easy for readers to understand.

Once you have these two ideas down pat, there’s nothing more left but practice!

Last Updated on September 29, 2022

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