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Health Information Management And Assessment Paper

Health Information Management And Assessment Paper

Unit outcomes addressed in this activity:
Discuss the various ways that health information is used within and without health care facilities.
Explain performance improvement and identify performance improvement tools
Course Outcome
HA565-1: Plan reimbursement compliance strategies.
From electronic health records (EHR) to telemedicine, the use of information technology is rapidly expanding. Discuss how individuals, professionals, and organizations use health information. How can health information improve the provision of quality? Finally, after conducting research, discuss the possible future of information technology in healthcare.
Title page
Discuss the importance of health information
Discuss how individuals, professionals, and organizations use health information
Discuss how health information may improve the provision of quality
Discuss the possible future of information technology
The paper must be 6-8 pages, with substantive discussion to address each of these four required topics.
Title page
Discuss the importance of health information
Discuss how individuals, professionals, and organizations use health information
Discuss how health information may improve the provision of quality
Discuss the possible future of information technology
References – must be scholarly, peer reviewed resources ONLY, with a minimum of four (4) references.
Assignment Requirements – 6-8 pages and 4 sources
Points possible
Points earned
Discuss the importance of health information
Discuss how individuals, professionals, and organizations use health information
Discuss how health information may improve the provision of quality
Discuss the possible future of information technology
Total Sum of all points
Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA errors.
Adjusted total points

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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