What is globalization and how is it affecting politics and cultures in Central and South America? Describe the history of these trends in the region (including structural adjustment programs)
You will need to submit your paper through Turnitin to check for plagiarism; you will be able to view the plagiarism report of your paper on the due date. Make sure you have lower than a 10% similarity score.
-The essay is to be typed and double-spaced with size 12 Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least 1250 words (about five pages).
-Use the ‘Grading Criteria’ (included below) for preparing and reviewing your essay.
-It is REQUIRED to refer to graphics (maps, images, etc.) to illustrate your points (you don’t need to copy and paste, just refer to them).
-Professor approval is required for use of outside sources.
-Practice learned resourcefulness: avoid procrastination, develop appropriate help-seeking behaviors, ask questions, learn to recognize & utilize resources (e.g. the library, fellow students, the instructor, tutoring, and study groups), and embrace realistic goals & priorities.
*Be sure to include: a clear and strong thesis in your short introduction; at least 10 key terms from the chapters; supportive statistics; and specific place examples.
Choose ONE of these prompts for your topic:
2) What is globalization and how is it affecting politics and cultures in Central and South America? Describe the history of these trends in the region (including structural adjustment programs) and the most significant manifestations of power currently. Include specific examples from at least four countries.
The grading criteria is based equally on:
1. Content: Each part of the prompt is fully answered with analyses that demonstrate critical thinking and avoidance of generalizations that are not supported by evidence.
2. Organization: A brief introduction, a focused thesis statement, a coherent progression of ideas, and an insightful conclusion that succinctly sums up the main points.
3. Evidence: Specific examples that support your conclusions, use of all the required readings and class dialogue, question answered thoroughly with specific evidence.
4. Citations and content: All required readings and course dialogue are used and cited properly, with sufficient inclusion of your own interpretation and analysis.
5. Conclusions: Appropriate conclusions are drawn and stated, answering the implications in the question.
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