Gender Wage Gap and Generational Differences
Address the gender wage gap and the generational wage differences among women.
Term Paper
• Double spaced, one inch margins four sides
• Font Size 12 Times New Roman
• References as in-text citations and listed in reference list at end of paper
• Final paper size (12+ 1 page)
Paper Writing Specifications: Technical correctness of your writing is important. This includes spelling, punctuation, and syntax. See APA (American Psychological Association) Style at for guidance.
The project paper is graded as follows: Points max Score
Overall framework with headings 30
General introduction of research project indicating the research topic, research question, and general conceptual development. Additionally, the introduction needs to state the importance of the topic and the reason why you chose it. 75
Description of the literature review 60
Description of the research design and methodology 60
Strong conclusion that relates to both the introduction and the main body of the paper. This part must describe the results and findings and the impact on the original research topic. 120
Ancillary structures: Clarity of figures and tables, format of appendices, and other addenda. 25
Writing mechanics including APA formatting 30
Total 400
Score: /400 Comments: Please see in-text comments and grading rubric at the end of the paper.
Research Project Storyboard Template
(Optional Planning Tool)
High-level Storyboard
Page 1: Working introduction with Argument, Thesis Statement, or Hypothesis at the bottom of the page
Page 2: Background page
Page 3:
• …
• …
• …
Last page: Sketch a working conclusion
Page 1: Working introduction with Argument at the bottom of this page
At the top of this page sketch a brief summary of only the key points in those sources most relevant to your argument (Booth et al, p. 179).
Rephrase your research question into a statement about the flaw or gap (a.k.a. your topic). We have been calling this the argument.
Sketch your best guess as an answer to “So what?” If you cannot answer this question early come back to it after more research.
State your answer to your question as your point, or promise an answer
Your introduction has to be long enough to establish the components described in the following check list:
Writing the Introduction
Subject Identify your specific topic, and then define, limit, and narrow it to one issue.
Problem The point of a research paper is to explore or resolve a problem, so identify and explain the complications you see. Briefly discuss the significance of your problem (e.g. if absenteeism goes unchecked the organization will be unlikely to meet its obligations…).
Background Provide relevant historical data. Discuss a few key sources that touch on your specific issue. If writing about a major figure, give relevant biographical facts, but not the Wikipedia type survey. (See cautionary note below.)
Thesis Within the first few paragraphs, use your claim sentence to establish the direction of the study and to point your readers toward your eventual conclusion.
Source: Lester and Lester, page 203.
A good introduction entices your readers to want to press on to learn more about a topic they feel is important, whether or not they agree with your position.
Page 2: Background
Provide relevant historical data. Discuss a few key sources that touch on your specific issue. If writing about a major figure, give relevant biographical facts, but not the Wikipedia type survey. (Caution: As this now stands it is a duplicate of the background component of the introduction. The decision as to where to develop background is somewhat driven by style and somewhat by length and importance of background.)
Page 3: Planning the body of your report
As noted above the background may be integrated into the introduction. However, if it is long or important it can be considered a section within the body of the paper and foreshadowed in the introduction.
Limits and terminology: It is in the body of your report where you define terms, spell out your problem more robustly than in the introduction, review research in detail, set limits on your project, and place your problem historically or socially.
Create a page to each major section of your report. At the top of each page write the point that the rest of the section supports, develops, and explains.
Determine a suitable order for these page and hence the organization of your report. Furthermore, consider the checklist below attributed to Lester and Lester, page 210:
Writing the Body of the Paper
Analysis Classify the major issues of the study and provide a careful analysis of each in defense of your claim.
Presentation Provide well-reasoned statements at the beginning of your paragraphs, and supply evidence of support with proper citations.
Paragraphs Offer a variety of development to compare, show process, narrate the history of the subject, and show causal relations. Remember each paragraph presents one idea and one idea only.
Last page: Sketch a working conclusion
Sketch a working conclusion using the following outline or checklist.
State your point again at the top of this page. After this sketch its significance, if you can without too much further thought or research, or as soon as you can.
At this point you may discover that you cannot use all the notes that you have collected. Don’t be upset. Think of research as mining for gold where you find a few very valuable nuggets and discard tons of till.
Your conclusion owes your reader more than a mere summary. Try using this check, list attributed to Lester and Lester, to review your conclusion.
Reaffirm your argument or thesis statement
Reach a decision or judgment about the merits of your position
Discuss the implications of your findings.
Directive Offer a plan of action or a proposal that will put into effect your ideas. (This isn’t required for all papers; however, you might minimally suggest that more research is required.)
Use the final paragraph, especially the final sentence, to bring your paper to a close.
Source: Lester and Lester, page 215
A good conclusion leaves your readers with a renewed grasp of your subject’s significance.