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Foldable Stair Climbing Cart

Part I – Design

Foldable Stair Climbing Cart 

Project statement

Design a Climbing Cart that can be used for easily transporting groceries, laundry, books etc… Devise a mechanism of motion that can tackle obstacles, stairs, curbs, slopes and uneven terrain. It should be foldable to a maximum of 5 in. depth for easy storage. Weight should not exceed 15 lb., while maintaining a weight capacity of 100 lb. The size of the cart should accommodate moving of medium-sized household items. Customers prefer the product to have a comfortable handle, and to be quick and easy to assemble.


Part II – Economics

Investor group offered three proposals

  1. To invest $3,500,000 on this product with annual O&M of $62,000 starting end of year The proposal is expected to result in annual benefit in cash flow of $920,000 over nayears period withinterest rate of 12.5%.
  2. To invest $2,700,000 on this product with annual O&M of $83,000 starting end of year The proposal is expected to result in annual benefit in cash flow of $830,000 over nb years period withinterest rate of 11%.
  3. Toinvest$1,900,000onthisproductwithannualO&Mof$91,000startingendofyearTheproposal isexpectedtoresultinbenefitincashflowof$220,000firstyear,whichincreasesby$60,000yearlyoverncyears period with interest rate of 14%.

Which proposal you should accept, using the present worth analysis?



Group Ana= 4nb= 8nc= 16
Group Bna= 8nb= 4nc= 16
Group Cna= 6nb= 8nc= 24
Group Dna= 5nb= 4nc= 20
Group Ena= 4nb= 5nc= 20
Group Fna= 5nb= 10nc= 20




Form teams and work on producing the following project components:


  • AprototypeThemodel cannotbelessthan25%oftheoriginalsize.

The proof of concept should be shown through a physically made prototype/ model. Submission of the prototypes/ models.


  • A written report. Each report shouldinclude:
    • Titlepage;
    • Table of contents, showing sections withheadings;
    • Introduction outlining the scope of yourproject.
    • Methodology
    • Discussion/ procedure, that reflects understanding of the design methodology. Discuss the problem formulation, objectives, objective tree, PCC chart, constraints, function- means tree, QFD chart and drawings. Also include requirements (specifications), metrics and a conceptual design with an alternatives and morphological chart followed by a detaileddesign(costs,materialsandanalysisofdesign).Projectplanningandtimelineshould be included. Discussions should address the ethical and environmental issues.
    • Results
    • Conclusion summarizing thereport.
    • Technical drawings using a CAD tool should be printed andattached.


Last Updated on December 8, 2019

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