Fluency Info-graphic

Assignment 5

Required Readings

Supportive Fluency Instruction: The Key to Reading Success (Especially for Students who Struggle)
As you read this article, consider how Dr. Rasinski (a well-recognized expert on fluency) suggests that you provide reading support in order to create your students as fluent readers.

Fluency: Instructional Guidelines and Student Activities
Consider these guidelines for instruction and activities for students to increase fluency as you read. Do you currently abide by any of these guidelines in your classroom?

Required Videos

Building Fluency
Watch this one minute video as an introduction to oral fluency.

Teacher Talks: Tim Rasinski on Fluency 
Watch this 35 minute video, in which nationally-renowned fluency expert Dr. Tim Rasinski discusses the latest fluency research and shares effective fluency practices that are easy to integrate into a balanced reading program.

Accessibility Alternative for Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Visually Impaired:

Why Reading Fluency Should Be Hot!
In this article, Dr. Tim Rasinski talks about the importance of fluency. As you read, consider how important you believe fluency to be.


Assignment Directions

Fluency Info-graphic

For this week’s assignment, you create an info-graphic on fluency and its importance. Based on the session’s readings, your own experience, and what you know about info-graphics, your info-grahic should include the following:

  • Identify what fluency is (using layman’s terms).
  • Identify 2 reasons fluency is crucial to reading and comprehension.
  • Identify 3 strategies that can be used anytime/anywhere to promote fluency.

If you’re not sure what info-graphics are, take a look at a few here related to other topics in the world of education:

  • Flipped Classroom Info-graphic
  • Education by the Numbers Info-graphic
  • Facts About Arts in Education Info-graphic

Your response should be in the form of a digital or hand-drawn info-graphic (if you choose to submit a hand-drawn info-graphic, you must ensure it’s all legible). The facilitator is not looking for a professional quality, highly-skilled graphically designed info-graphic. Rather, the info-graphic should indicate that you’ve been creative in synthesizing the information that you’ve learned in this topic about fluency and fluency strategies.

the information that you’ve learned in this topic about fluency and fluency strategies.


Last Updated on January 29, 2025

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