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Feminism and Multiculturalism

Written Assignment 6
Feminism and Multiculturalism

We would typically think about feminism and multiculturalism as two separate sets of ideas. However, over the last several decades, the

discussions of feminism and multiculturalism overlap in very important ways. Your job in this assignment is to examine the connection between

feminist thought and multiculturalism and analyze what multiculturalism may look like in the future.

Based on the content from Chapter 13, please write a 2-page essay (500 to 600 words) that addresses the following:

Compare and contrast at least two different types of feminism.
Explain in detail why your textbook refers to multiracial feminism as an “intersectional” analysis. In your own words, please provide one

example of intersectionality.
As multiculturalism is founded upon the idea that we should acknowledge and respect the differences between cultures in our society, what does

this mean for the question of national unity? For example, can we have a strict adherence to multiculturalism in our society and still have a

sense of national identity? Why or why not?
Provide in-text citations from Chapter 13 in your paper. Be sure to follow proper APA format, including the use of in-text citations and a

references list at the end of your paper.

Last Updated on January 31, 2018

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