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Family Centered Practice Principles


Now you have an understanding of how to answer questions using this Quiz feature! This second assignment will ask you 10 questions related to using Family Centered Practice Principles to build relationships, increase consideration of culture on family meetings and lastly look at communication with families.

How to Complete this Assignment Each response should be a short paragraph, roughly 200 words, and bullet points are acceptable.

I am looking for thoughtful reflection and linking to what you have read. If you are using direct quotes you need to reference using APA 7.  There is no time limit for working on this assignment meaning you can leave your work at any time and return at a later time. You may find it helpful to write your responses in a word document and then cut and paste into the question section. The due date is July 3.

  1. A key piece of family-centered practice is building a relationship with families. This question provides you the opportunity to explore how you might do this being grounded in FC principles at the start. In this question, your focus is to work toward forming a relationship with the family to build trust and rapport. Remember to reference the articles you use to support your position. Identify 2-3 key principles of family-centered practice that you think will help build a relationship and support establishing trust and rapport with the family. Discuss why you chose these principles and how they help you build rapport.
  2. A key piece of family-centered practice is building a relationship with families. This question provides you the opportunity to explore how you might do this being grounded in FC principles at the start. In this question, your focus is to work toward forming a relationship with the family to build trust and rapport. Remember to reference the articles you use to support your position. Now apply the 2 family-centered principles with the family in your assigned case study family, and provide a specific participatory example for each principle of what you might say/do with the family to engage them and demonstrate how you will build a relationship/rapport in practice with them.
  3. In ‘Constructing the Ideal Family for Family-Centered Practice: Challenges for Delivery’ by Dodd, Saggers & Widly, four themes are raised about the limits they impose on delivery of family-centred practice and particularly key points cited on P. 177-179 discuss concepts of family engagement, roles and expectations of parents and professionals.

Two themes raised, responsibility of involvement and relationships with professionals, speak to balancing parent needs and reality while empowering families. It states: “Family-centred practice does not necessarily mean leaving the decision-making (without adequate support and information) to parents, and professionals need to consider when to be more or less interventionist.” ((p. 183). Not all shared responsibility was beneficial to families. Apply to practice: Discuss your reasons why this information and the four themes are important to consider in your work with families and how you might translate it to your practice.

  1. In ‘Constructing the Ideal Family for Family-Centered Practice: Challenges for Delivery‘ by Dodd, Saggers & Widly, four themes are raised about the limits they impose on delivery of family-centred practice and particularly key points cited on P. 177-179 discuss concepts of family engagement, roles and expectations of parents and professionals. Two themes raised, responsibility of involvement and relationships with professionals, speak to balancing parent needs and reality while empowering families. According to the article, “Family-centered practice does not always entail leaving decision-making to parents (without proper support and knowledge), and professionals need to think about when to be more or less interventionist. ((p. 183). Not all shared responsibility was beneficial to families. Describe the personal beliefs and/or professional expectations and assumptions you hold about parent responsibility of involvement and prof relationships, and discuss how your beliefs could affect how you work with parents.
  2. Please watch Video #4 Respecting Cultural Diversity  and answer the following question. Using the concepts on cultural competence and safety in the lessons & readings, discuss which elements of cultural competence/sensitivity you notice in this video.
  3. Based on Video #4 Respecting Cultural Diversity, answer the following question. Keeping in mind the concept of cultural competence what might you do or say to be more family-centred to support or involve the family and child in this situation?
  4. Based on Video #4 Respecting Cultural Diversity, answer the following question. From the reading by Health Canada ‘Empathy, Dignity, and Respect: Creating Cultural Safety for Aboriginal People in Urban Health Care’, what ideas of cultural safety might you use with this family to ensure they feel culturally safe? How will you know they feel safe?
  5. From the video index, please watch Video #6: Active Listening: Engaging All Learners and use the information from lesson readings to answer the following question. This video was more child focused vs family focused. The skills “listening for meaning, listening for feelings, active listening is rooted in attitude and open ended questions” were not strong in the video. What specific communication skills/aspects could the staff have used to respond to the family for each skill above, to help the parents feel they are heard and acknowledged, and their needs are responded to in a meaningful and family-centered way?
  6. Based on Video #6: Active Listening: Engaging All Learners and using the use the information from lesson readings to answer the following question. Provide your own specific participatory family-centered example of what you would say/do with the family in this video to demonstrate each active listening skill/point listed in the video. This only requires a specific example for each skill, not an explanation of it.
  7. The reading ‘Communication Concepts for Strengthening Family, School and Community Partnerships‘ by Swick, discusses beliefs, perceptions and actions of practitioners ‘attitudes and how they shape the communication process. It reads, “Caregivers have little chance to have empowering relationships with parents and families when they use derogatory language to describe certain parents or families because they have already established a degrading perspective.” (Swick, p.276) Briefly discuss these concepts and the quote, and how your beliefs, perceptions, actions and your attitudes link to your practice.

Last Updated on July 3, 2023

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