Facebook case study

Case analyses should be approached as though you are a marketing manager whose responsibility it is to assess the situation and present three long-term strategies to the board of directors.

Based on your understanding of the case and external research on the CURRENT situation, what are the three best strategies to revitalize and/or improve public perception to the same target market and/or alternative markets? Please do not limit yourself to the specifics of the case when formulating your strategies.

Think ‘BIG PICTURE’ (ethical objectives, internal/external factors, complementary products/industries, sustainability, alternative products/services, cultural assessment, pricing changes, etc.). Your strategic recommendations should be 1) measurable and 2) broad enough to encompass the direction of the brand for at least 5 years.

At the same time, analyses should explain IN DETAIL the logic and process behind implementing such initiatives. Please do not provide vague recommendations. Please use the critical thinking rubric below as a guideline and checklist for your submissions.

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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