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Ethical Behavior, Diversity and Civil Discourse



Ethical Behavior, Diversity, Civil Discourse, and Reading and Literacy


Ethical behavior, diversity, and civil discourse refers to the personal behavior which is depicted to be objectively, legally and morally right to the whole community in accordance with the ethical standards, and on the other hand reading and literacy refers to person’s capability to read, write, speak fluently and solve problems at different levels (Rosa & Ten Elshof, 2019 and Crosby, 2018).

Overview of Issues

Some of the literature issues related with ethical behavior includes the importance of ethics and human dignity in the field of education. The significance of ethics in education is paramount since Educational personnel around the globe are dealing with recent and strange challenges such as rationalizing regional, nationwide, and worldwide practices as well as ethics and other positive virtues when disseminating knowledge to learners. According to Crosby (2018), educators must make sure that aspects of multiculturalism are embraced in all spheres of educational phases, this practice will enhance Educators’ and learners’ intercultural relations and appreciating individual ideas with respect.

Diversity Issue Related to Specialization

Diversity relates to reading and literacy in the fact that as an Educator you will be required to work with different people who have different cultural diversities and this will be a necessary tool for you as an Educator to enable you to interact promptly.

Ethical Behavior Issue Related to Specialization

Human dignity in the profession of an Educator is also a necessary education behavioral ethic (Batool & Mahmood, 2016 and Netten et al., 2016). Educators’ crucial role at this point together parents or guardians is to help learners develop and achieve their moral and ethical potentialities.

Civil Discourse Issue Related to Specialization

Understanding human dignity and civil discourse in reading and literacy will have a positive implication to area of specialization as it is able to inculcate better virtues and soft skills such being courteous, polite, being well-mannered among others . The main virtues of civil discourse are: empathy, respect, and civility, being open to optional points of views, this will enhance the ability to interact positively with a diverse groups, and critical analysis (Tomoriová, 2016).


In reading and literacy, ethics, civil discourse and diversity are very important constructs for an Educator. Combining civil discourse, ethics, and diversity with human dignity and the importance of ethical behavior in reading and literacy will enhance a positive interaction when engaging different groups of individuals with different cultural background as well as diversities in the field.


Crosby, K. D. (2018). Fostering Civil Discourse within the Democratic Classroom. AILACTE Journal, 15(1), 1-14.

Rosa, E., & Ten Elshof, G. (2019). Virtue and Voice: Habits of Mind for a Return to Civil Discourse. ACU Press.

Tomoriová, F. (2016). Information ethics in the context of information Literacy. ProInflow, 8(2).

Batool, S. H., & Mahmood, K. (2016). Teachers’ conceptions about information literacy skills of school children. Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries, 13.

Netten, A., Luyten, H., Droop, M., & Verhoeven, L. (2016). Role of linguistic and sociocultural diversity in reading literacy achievement: a multilevel approach. Journal of research in reading, 39(2), 189-208.


Last Updated on August 14, 2020

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