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Epidemiology Assignment

  1. Choose a disease from the following list and record its name on your data sheet.
  2. Botulism (Total)
  3. Brucellosis
  4. Cyclosporiasis
  5. Hansen’s Disease
  6. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, Post Diarrheal
  7. Leptospirosis
  8. Listeriosis
  9. Measles
  10. Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome
  11. Syphilis, Congenital
  12. Tularemia
  13. Typhoid Fever
  14. Go to the CDC website
  15. Click on “Weekly and Annual Tables” on the menu on the left of the screen.
  16. Be sure the “Weekly Tables” tab is highlighted.
  17. Click on the “” link written in blue font.
  18. Click on the “Weekly NNDSS Data” link in the box on the right side of the page.
  19. Click on “Change Year/Week.”
  20. Change year to 2019.
  21. Change week to 1
  22. Click on “Change to Selected Year/Week.”
  23. Click on your chosen microbe.
  24. For US Residents, Excluding US Territories:
  25. Record the “Current Week” number of cases for the given week
  26. Record the Cumulative Year to date (YTD) number of cases for 2019 on the associated table (for the given week).
  27. Record the Cumulative Year to date (YTD) number of cases for 2018 on the associated table (for the given week).
  28. Go back one web page
  29. Repeat steps 7 through 12 for Week 2
  30. Continue repeating steps 7-15 for all 52 weeks
  31. Graph the weekly number of cases for all 52 weeks in 2019.
  32. Calculate the difference between the number of weekly cases from 2018 and 2019. Record on the associated data sheet.
  33. Calculate the number of new cases during each 4-week period (weeks 1-4, weeks 5-8, ect.). Record that data on the associated data sheet.
  34. Calculate the incidence values of each 4-week period during the entire year using the calculated 4-week totals in the numerator of the following formula and using 327,000,000 (approximate size of US population in 2019) in the denominator of the formula. Record that data on the associated data sheet.
  35. Incidence Rate = (Number of New Cases / Size of At-Risk Population) X 108
  36. Answer the following questions and submit with the data sheet as the total written assignment. It is due December 1, 2020.
  37. Describe the disease that you have chosen. Be sure to include the etiological agent (scientific name), symptoms, modes of transmission, diagnostic tests, and treatments.
  38. Describe the national trend of your chosen disease for the year. Does the incidence appear to be seasonal?

Data Sheet

WeekCurrent Week Number of CasesCumulative YTD Totals for 2019Cumulative YTD Totals for 2018Difference Between 2018 and 2019Four-Week Totals for 2019Incidence Values for the Four-Week Totals


  • Go to and review the Healthy People 2020 initiative. Pay close attention to the objectives, goals, and indicators.
  • Using your city or county public health department or the CDC, choose 3 population or community based problems such as disease, disaster, crimes, accidents, falls etc.. from the topics outlined in the website and prepare an analysis discussing how these 3 conditions, affect your community and how they were identified and a plan of action to contained them base on healthy people 2020.
  • You can also use the following CDC link and identify 3 community infectious outbreaks such as measles and develop the assignment.

The presentation must be in APA format with a minimum of 1500 words (excluding first and references page) with a minimum of 4 evidence based references using the required Arial 12 font. Must include the zip code of the city or county chosen. Follow the APA example paper that was sent to you at the beginning of the course for guidance. Make sure references are used according to APA guidelines and electronic references must be from reliable sources such as CDC.

CDC growth chart

Last Updated on January 30, 2025

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