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Effects of electronic communication and interaction

Effects of electronic communication and interaction

The theme that we’ll be investigating for this learning unit is “Communication and Culture.” Therefore, the options from which you’ll choose your paper topic all relate to how various forms of communication shape our culture’s ideas and the resultant effects on individuals and/or the larger society.

Choose one of the following topics. You will then write a paper in which you incorporate your own analysis with researched information:

1. Write a paper in which you investigate the effects of electronic communication and interaction (i.e. e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, blogging, online social networking, role player gaming, etc) on social behavior and psychological development.

2. Write a paper in which you engage in a thoughtful analysis of a genre of music in terms of the words used. What attitudes/ideas are being expressed through this choice of words? What motivates the artists towards these words/attitudes? What cultural need makes these words/attitudes appealing to certain listeners?

3. Write a paper in which you analyze the messages sent through popular culture (tv, film, music, advertising, trends, etc) about one particular gender. Discuss the effects of these messages on the social behavior and psychological development of younger people of this gender.

4. Write a paper in which you analyze how the popular culture influences ideas about beautyamong either women, men, or both. Discuss the effects of these messages on the social behavior and psychological well-being of those addressed.

5. Write an analysis of the role of the media in American political discourse. This may include looking at how political discourse occurs on cable news programs, talk radio, the mainstream press, etc. Beyond that, however, it may also be useful to look at the intersection of comedy and political commentary via modes such as The Daily Show or The Colbert Report.

6. Write an analysis of the influence of the internet on American politics. This may include looking at the influence of the blogosphere, YouTube advocacy, fundraising, calls for action, etc.

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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