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Education and eating disorders

Complete A and B section:

A)​ Create an annotated bibliography using three sources ​on obesity (focused on education and eating disorders)​. Explain how some people think ​obesity can be addressed by teaching children about eating habits​, but on the other hand some people think ​teaching children about eating habits may​ ​lead to an obsession about food and eating disorders​. ​

Also read: Cause and effect of childhood obesity in America

For each source, you should include a complete and correct works cited entry, a summary of the main points of the article, and a brief description of how you might be able to use it in your paper. Here is an example of how it should be written:

Dee, Gabriel. “Busy Schedules, Boring Lectures Drive Students to Skip Classes.” The BrownDaily Herald, 17 Apr. 2014,

In an article written for the student newspaper at Brown University, Gabriel Dee describes many of the reasons why students skip classes. Dee provides perspectives from many administrators and students as well as a chart that includes specific data on the frequency with which students skip class.

This article was informative, but the learning context is different from the one I am exploring. The student population at Brown University is different than that of community colleges. However, some of the points described by the administrators and students in this article could be useful. Also, I can use some of the statistics on attendance as a hook.

B)​ Use the paragraphs that you wrote in section A and write a 750 words college essay (intro paragraph, 3 body paragraphs and conclusion). Find three articles ​on obesity (focused on education and eating disorders)​. Explain how some people think obesity can be addressed by teaching children about eating habits​, but on the other hand some people think ​teaching children about eating habits may​ ​lead to an obsession about food and eating disorders​.

For each of the three paragraphs ​Bold the thesis statement​ and ​topic sentences you use ​for each body paragraph.

​Must cite those sources within the text and include a correct works cited page.

Things that you may consider explaining the following:

What are the causes of obesity? Diet? Lack of exercise? Genetics? Does educating children about nutrition lead them to make healthier choices?

Does educating them about nutrition lead to an obsession about food? Does it depend on the situation?

More readings: Childhood Obesity

Last Updated on October 25, 2020

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