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Ebola virus outline and references

At a minimum, your pamphlet about the Ebola virus should contain the following required elements:

  • Introductory paragraph describing the Ebola virus and its importance
  • Body
    • Addresses signs, symptoms
    • Explains effects of the disease on healthy body functions, and relates this to signs and symptoms
    • Analyzes risk factors and preventive steps
    • Describes maintenance of quality of life
    • Discusses diagnostic and therapeutic tools
    • Explains expected outcomes and prognosis
    • Describes current areas of research into prevention, treatment or cure
    • Describes possible future areas of research into prevention, treatment or cure
  • References
  • Conclusion – summary of your findings

List all references at the end of your pamphlet. You must use at least five references from credible, scientifically rigorous sources and cite them using American Psychological Association (APA) style. The references cited should be no older than seven years (published 2004 – 2011).

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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