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Discussion Board – Ranking Your Website

Provide a post for the following instructions.

Week 3 Discussion Board – Ranking Your Website

This week, you will think critically about keyword research and how to make your website more visible on the internet by doing the following:

  1. Read this week’s assigned readings, especially WordPress SEO: The Only Guide You Need.
  2. Post one (1) initial comment in which you do all of the following:
    1. Go to and enter the URL of your P.R. website. Then identify all of the following:
      1. Your overall score out of 100
      2. Your total performance score
        1. One good thing in your performance score
        2. One bad thing in your performance score (as applicable)
    2. Your total mobile score
    3. Your total SEO score
      1. 1. One good thing in your SEO score.
      2. One bad thing in your SEO score (as applicable).
    4. Your total security score.
    5. Go to and enter the URL of your P.R. website. Then identify all of the following:
      1. 3 things your website is already doing well.
      2. 3 ways your website could improve
    6. Your citations must be in APA format.


Last Updated on November 13, 2019

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