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APA format

DON’T use journals, Only website links in google

Make sure that you focus on the scientific studies for the bulk of your paper

Plagiarism Checked

4 to 5 pages


Your paper and presentation will be about an active area of research or “hot topic” in natural science today. Under the umbrella term of natural science, you may choose a topic in any field (including biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, medicine, environmental science, etc.). Social scientific research (including psychology, sociology, economics, etc.) is not acceptable for this assignment.

You will choose an area of active scientific research, and, for your paper, find at least three related news or primary research articles that describe new studies in that area of research. This means that there must be a particular experiment or larger data study described in the article for it to be considered valid. For your presentation, you will describe in detail one of the research articles that you chose for your paper.


Written Paper Instructions

You should begin your paper by introducing the topic at hand. A proper introduction has each of the following: A strong opening statement that grabs the attention of the audience; background information that your audience may need to know; a brief overview of the content you plan to discuss in your paper; and a strong thesis statement. If you are unsure of how to construct a thesis statement please speak to me or any of the writing lab faculty. You may decide to describe previous questions, observations, or controversies that surround your topic as part of your introduction..

In each of your body paragraphs, you will then explain, how the scientific method was applied in each of the studies described in your sources and how each study relates to your overall topic, similar to your journal assignment. You should include AT MINIMUM: the methods of experimentation, the key results, and any conclusions that can be drawn from the results.

You will conclude your paper by synthesizing what the researchers have learned into a few important points that you wish your reader to walk away with. Be sure to signal an end to your paper without using the words “in conclusion”. End on a memorable final statement that wraps up your paper in an interesting way.

The paper will be (approximately 4-5 pages, excluding reference and title pages) in length, be double-spaced, have one-inch margins, use standard professional font type, and use standard professional font size (12 point). Please perform a word count on your document to ensure you have met the minimum word count, making sure to omit any words on the title page and reference page. Please include your name and include a title to your paper. It should also be written with stylistically correct grammar and punctuation. Be sure to reference all sources of information using APA style ( both in-textwith parenthetical citations and with a reference page. Submit your final paper as a word document or a PDF, and title it as per the following example: DSL100_paper_LastName.docx.

The essay will be graded with the Dialogues of Learning Written Communication Rubric. Be aware that all submissions will be run through Turnitin to check for originality. Therefore, it is expected that you may need to submit and revise multiple drafts before your final submission by the assignment deadline. The paper assignment will be submitted to the instructor using Canvas by the deadline listed.


Last Updated on November 12, 2019

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