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Criminal Justice and the Social Structure

Criminal Justice and the Social Structure

The New Jim Crow Chapter 2 Worksheet (20 points): Please answer the following questions in 250 words or less.

Name(s)  _________________________________________

Date ________________________________


  1. Before starting her “tour” of the Drug War, Alexander dispels two myths about it. What are those two myths? What is the truth behind those myths? (4)










  1. What are the three law enforcement search policies, (pp. 63-69) that have illustrated the SCOTUS’ struggle with a police officer’s” hunch”? (3)






  1. Based on class discussion, how do we prevent the good detective’s hunch from becoming the round-up of the “Usual Suspects”?






  1. What is Alexander referring to when she titles the content on pages 69-72 as “Kissing Frogs”?




  1. Of the impacts on the communities Alexander illustrates in the Waging War section (pp.74-78) which do you consider to be the most adverse? Based on class discussion how have settlements against police departments and “swatting” exacerbated the problems discussed in the Waging War subsection (pp.74-78) (3)







  1. Explain how the two subsections “Finders Keepers” and “Shakedown” (pp. 78-84) are causally related;e., what is the cause and effect relationship between the two?






  1. What two sentencing policies during the 1980s is Alexander referring to in the subsection “Time Served” (pp. 89-93)?






  1. What recent national economic statistic could have the unintended consequence of ameliorating the dire consequences predicted by Alexander in the last sentence on p.96?



Extra Credit: What legislative action has been taken in several states to facilitate the hiring of ex-offenders? (2)



Criminal Justice and the Social Structure

The New Jim Crow Chapter 3 Worksheet (20 points): Please answer the following questions in 250 words or less.


Name _________________________________________

Date _____________________________


  1. Although the majority (more than 50%) of illegal drug users and dealers are __________,


three-fourths or 75% of those imprisoned have been ___________________________.


  1. Barry McCaffrey as a former “Drug Czar” confirmed the results of many studies, when he made what remark? What commonly held myth was he dispelling with his remark?






  1. According to Alexander, those who rule out racism as a contributing factor in the rise of incarceration rates often point out that Black neighborhoods and Black men have much higher rates of violent crime. Explain why this limited analysis is fallacious.








  1. What according to Alexander then is the central question? _________________________




  1. What is the two-step process that Alexander uses as the basis of her answer to the central question?








  1. Please give an example of cognitive bias research that demonstrates UNCONSCIOUS bias leading to discriminatory behavior even when an individual does not want to discriminate.








  1. List statistics from two cities that demonstrate how unconscious or conscious biases have led to discriminatory practices that have disproportionately impacted people of color.








  1. Briefly summarize the ruling in McCleskey v. Kemp. Which of the two steps does this case relate to?










  1. Briefly summarize the ruling in S. v. Brignoni-Ponce. Which of the two steps does this case relate to?










  1. Why does Alexander claim that defending against claims of racial bias/profiling is easy?





Criminal Justice and the Social Structure

The Laramie Project: (45 points): Please answer the following questions in 250 words or less.



Name ________________________________________



  1. Early in the film (6:40-7:00) Marge Murray (Deputy Fluty’s mother) says that in Laramie “It’s live and let live”. How does this reflect Laramie’s attitude towards Dissent, Defiance and Deviance? What are the implied limits of this saying? How far doesDissent, Defiance and Deviance go in Laramie, Wyoming? (4)








  1. How does this idea of “live and let live” contribute to the social disorganization of Laramie or does “live and let live” actually help create collective efficacy? Explain your answer.(4)





  1. The role of faith is considered by many to help communities establish collective efficacy. How did the faith leaders help community members come together in Laramie? Explain your answer by referring to specific actions of the religious leaders portrayed in the film.(3)





  1. How does the Matt/Matthew distinction illustrate how the macro-level analysis does not inform the individual analysis? (3)




  1. How is the Matt/Matthew distinction relevant to CJC professionals? (4)




  1. How does Sheriff Deputy Reggie Fluty risk her life by doing her job with integrity? (3)




  1. Which one of the following individuals was an Eagle Scout(2)


  1. Russel Henderson


  1. Aaron McKinney


  1. Matthew Shepard


  1. Father Roger Schmit



  1. Who else was brought to the Emergency Room on the same night as Matthew Shepard? How is this irony an example of social disorganization? (2)



  1. How did the community of Laramie rise in “collective efficacy” in response to the presence of the Westboro Baptist Church? (3)



  1. According to at least one member of the community, how did the possibility of the death penalty influence Russell Henderson’s guilty plea? (2)






  1. What part of Aaron McKinney’s defense seemed to offend many of the members of the community? (2)





  1. In order to understand how to prevent future similar crimes, Father Schmit believes who could be our best teachers? Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.(4)




  1. Please identifya theory of causation for this crime. Can you draw a distinction between the individual theories of causation between McKinney and Henderson? (4)






  1. Between individual theories of criminal causation and those that are based on social disorganization theories which ones, in your opinion, played more of a role in the death of Matthew Shepard? Explain your answer (5)



The link to the book called the ” New Jim Crow”

You are to read chapter 1, 2, 3, and three of Jim Crow book

Laramie Video



Last Updated on July 22, 2020

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