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COVID-19, Cancer Care and Mental Health

Assignment #2 Note

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3,8 pages

4,2 days down

5, Completely solve the case problem

COVID-19 transforms health care through telemedicine: Evidence from the field  Devin M Mann, Ji Chen, Rumi Chunara, Paul A Testa, Oded Nov

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 27, Issue 7, July 2020, (Links to an external site.)

Planning for post‐pandemic cancer care delivery: Recovery or opportunity for redesign?

Pelin Cinar (Links to an external site.), MD, MS, 1 , 2 Richard Bold, MD, MBA, 3 Bryn A. Bosslet, MD, 4 Daniela A. Bota, MD, PhD, 5 Debra Burgess, RN, BSN, MHA, 3 Helen K. Chew, MD, FACP, 3 Joshua G. Cohen, MD, 6 , 7 Emad Elquza, MD, MBA, 5 Kathryn A. Gold, MD, 9 Emi Kamiya, MBA, 8 Beth Y. Karlan, MD, 6 , 7 Rana R. McKay, MD, 9 Sandip P. Patel, MD, 9 Kimberly Ternavan, RN, MS/MBA, NE‐BC, CPHQ, 8 Jeanna Welborn, MD, 3 Maki Yamamoto, MD, 5 and Hope S. Rugo, MD 1 , 2 (Links to an external site.)

What the COVID-19 Pandemic Can Teach Us About Resource Stewardship and Quality in Health Care

Elissa M. Abrams, MD,a,∗ Alexander G. Singer, MB BCh, BAO,b Marcus Shaker, MD, MSc,c,d and Matthew Greenhawt, MD, MBA, MSce  Nov 27, 2020 (Links to an external site.)

The SARS-CoV-2 and mental health: From biological mechanisms to social consequences

Dorota Szcześniak,1 Anna Gładka,⁎,1 Błażej Misiak, Agnieszka Cyran, and Joanna Rymaszewska

Jan 10,2021 (Links to an external site.)


The Pandemic has surely changed everything.  Especially how we deliver care in the US.   The articles above are particularly and purposefully as recent as I could get for this assignment brief.  The  pandemic shows no signs of slowing down although the vaccine may eventually provide herd immunity and we should be able to throw away our masks sometime in 2021.  How do we get there?   See the readings above and provide answers to the questions below

  1. Cancer care is something near and dear to me.  Not only have I worked in the HC industry for 40+ years, but most of that time is at one of the best hospitals for cancer care in the US. There are also personal at stake, no only for me but for millions of others.  What has change the way we deliver cancer care during the pandemic?  What can we do to ensure that cancer care continues to be provided with the utmost quality in the most timely manner.
  2. Delivery and Quality.  They need to go hand in hand.  How are we changing the way we provide HC in the post pandemic era and can we preserve the quality strides we started out with prior to the pandemic.
  3. COVID and Mental Health – Care for the mentally ill has always been something less talked about even though we KNOW it should be at the forefront of providing and delivering care.  We have all heard the ‘rumors’ of how the pandemic is effecting mental health.  The last article in the series contains both clinical and non-clinical information on how the pandemic is affecting mental health.  What is happening and what are we going to do about it?

Last Updated on January 29, 2025

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