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Case Study: Logistics & Operations Project

Subject of the task: Case Study: Logistics & Operations Project

Contextual information: Logistics and Operations Management may be focused on industrial processes ( The Production Process of a Small Bar and Wire Rod Mill @Hyundai Steel – YouTube , Proceso de fabricación de losa alveolar.

Fábrica de hormigón de alta resistencia en Corea – YouTube , Why Building Ski Lifts Is Incredibly Hard – YouTube , ¿Cómo se hacen las bicicletas de fibra de carbono? | LOOK Cycle Factory Tour – YouTube) or on services ( MSC Seaside, Life Onboard One Of The Biggest Cruise Ships A week on MSC Seaside – YouTube , The Business of Ski Resorts – YouTube ).

Select one process and do the following tasks.

Task description: This is an individual task in which the student must choose a specific operations system and brand within a specific industry and analyze it, from a Logistics & Operations Pov.

  1. Choose a specific operations system and brand within a specific industry.
  2. Describe all the main processes and activities of this operations system. Identify the nature of these processes and draw a flowchart of these processes indicating all the main activities, processes and resources involved.
  3. On your criteria where is the bottleneck and propose different measures and actions to take to enhance productivity and the quality of this system. Justify your answer.


  • Word count: 1.500 words
  • Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total word count.
  • Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
  • Text alignment: Justified.
  • Harvard style in-text citations and bibliography

Submission: – Via Moodle (Turnitin). Deadline: Week 6 – November 12, 23h59

Weight: This task is 40 % of your total grade for this subject.

  • It assesses the following learning outcomes: understand the production management within operation management.
  • describe operations processes design and their management to contextualize and improve production performance.
  • understand production in the global setting.

Last Updated on November 11, 2023

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