Create 4 References for the Apple Company.
List 4 World Wide References about the Apple Company (In APA format). All references should be peer reviewed Articles, Journals, Conferences etc. In addition to the posting the references, provide 3 or four sentences identifying what each source will contribute to the project. Listed below is what each reference should focus on.
I. Reference 1 – Apple leadership
a. Investors
b. Events
c. Job
d. Training
e. Programs
II. Reference 2- Mission Statement
a. Apple Values
i. Accessibility
ii. Education
iii. Environment
iv. Inclusion and Diversity
v. Privacy
vi. Supplier Responsibility
III. Reference 3- Apple – United State Initiatives (last 10 years)
a. Business- Products, Services
b. Improvements/reputation
c. Community/Social Initiatives
i. Improvements/reputation
IV. Reference 4– Apple International/ Global Initiatives ( last 10 years)
a. Business – Products, services
b. Community
Directions also attatched.