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Assessment 2: Case Study Report

This is a Group Assessment. Students are free to select their preferred group. There can be 3-4 students in a Group. Students are supposed to select a Case Study on preferred organization highlighting Micro or Macro elements of the economy. Students are supposed to review the economy situation of the economy and explaining how the economy is supporting the organization to do a successful business. Kindly consider the points mentioned below in your explanation: –

  1. Provide the introduction of the organization in reference to the economic situation in which it is doing the business.
  1. Analysis micro / macro economy elements favoring the organization in the Covid-19 Situation. Students need to provide a detailed description of the eight major components mentioned below and provide information how these components are helping the organization to grow and develop: –
  2. Gross Domestic Product and Economic growth 2. Productivity and Employment rate, 3. Competitive advantage. 4. Inflation 5. Aggregate demand and supply 6. Technology, and production cost 7. Industrial policy 8. Monetary, and fiscal policy of the government etc.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of micro /macro elements and their negative effect on organization and economy in the Covid-19 Situation.
  1. Evaluate issues or claims about the organization which needed consideration for improvement.
  2. Analyze the impact of Covid-19 on the industry and the economy of Australia or country of choice.
  1. Examine government economic policies and assess their positive and negative impact on the organization.
  2. Discuss the recommendation you will provide for improving the current situation of the organization so that major economic of scales can be achieved by the organization.
  3. Conclusion
  4. References. Write a 3000-word research report following the suggested structure/criteria provided below and submit the assessment in a single Microsoft Word document via the Assessment 2 Upload link on the Canvas system. Report Structure: It is suggested you use the following sections and headings to structure your research report. • Report preliminaries: Title page, executive summary, table of contents.
  • Introduction: Outline the nature of the industry applicable to the case study company. Provide a brief description of the case and purpose of the report.
  • Body: Present theoretical/conceptual research justifying the need for organizations to consider their external and internal environment.
  • Conclusion: Link the arguments presented in the body to form sound and logical conclusions.
  • Recommendations: In line with conclusions, offer specific recommendations designed to aid in achievement of the selected case initiative.

Last Updated on June 13, 2024

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