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Argument to convince you to shape your own basic nature by living an ethical life

Hsun Tzu is presenting an argument to convince you to shape your own basic nature by living an ethical life. Aristotle (p. 688) is doing much the same, but these two sages have different starting points and different attitudes. Examine their arguments and identify how they agree with each other and how they are different. Is one pessimistic and one optimistic, or are they both pessimistic or optimistic? Which of them gives you the most useful advice? Which of them seems to be speaking most productively to you?

A successful essay will include a clear, direct, and argumentative thesis which fully examines one of the above prompts, appropriate support from 4-5 credible, college-level sources in addition to the assigned text to develop your claims, and thorough explanation and analysis of your support material. College level sources may be obtained on the internet (.org, .gov, or .edu sites or Google Scholar), but you should be careful to avoid .com sites.  It would be preferable to get your feet wet in the world of academic sources through the library databases at Mesa College. Use this link:  SD Mesa College Library (Links to an external site.)

Engaging in solid prewriting is your best bet to developing a solid paper. Don’t forget that the Writing Center is a wonderful resource (although not required!).

Paper Specifics:

  • 2,000 – 2,250 words(8-9 pages; word count does not include header, heading, or Works Cited page)
  • 4-5 credible college-level sourcesin addition to the assigned texts we read in this unit
  • Integrated quotations (not “dropped in” quotations)
  • A clear argumentative thesisexpressing your point of view and addressing the prompt you chose
  • A creative, original title
  • MLA-style formatting (see your syllabus)
  • No 1st-person plural or 2nd-person pronouns (this means no us, we, you, etc.)
  • MLA-style documentation of sources including Works Cited page


Last Updated on May 14, 2020

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