Agent-based modeling

Agent-based modeling has been applied in many domains. Why are they becoming an influential methodology to study social systems? Research the role of ABM in the process of policy making and implementation particularly in complex areas. Provide an example to demonstrate the application of ABM.

The initial posting is due by Wednesday midnight; it should be about two short paragraphs in length, supported by course content and/or external sources, and it should be posted by clicking on “Create Thread”. The initial response should be specific and accurately and sufficiently addresses the questions asked in the discussion topic.

In addition, students are required to respond to 2 classmates’ posts during the week. Incorporating relevant research from course content and/or external sources strengthens all postings. Please follow APA.

The nature of class participation is the interchange of ideas between students. Participation in weekly discussions is time-sensitive. Participation for a given discussion session must be accomplished within the assigned weekly session. In the spirit of the interchange of ideas, late Discussion postings will not be accepted.


Last Updated on November 14, 2019

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