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Understanding What Psychologist Do

Assignment – Understanding What Psychologist Do

One of the best resources on the web is the American Psychological Association’s website which can be found at:

This extensive website has a plethora of information on psychology from the largest professional organization in psychology. Your textbook author discusses 15 areas of study within the field of psychology. This will often pique the interest of the beginning student and often leads to the question, “What career opportunities are there in psychology?” The APA website can help answer this question. Access the website at the above address. Once there, click on the “careers” link. Then you will be able to click on the several different links including brochures. You could go directly to one of the brochures by accessing:

Once you access this site you will see career options listed and short explanations of each. Please select one a career option that interest you and explain why using this internet resource and any material provided.

Please type your essay in a Word Document (with name, date and CRN at the top of the page). Your essay must be at least 150 words in length and reference the APA website . There is no need for a reference page, just reference using the URL at the bottom of your essay.


Last Updated on January 26, 2020

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