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Quality Assurance Checklist

PROJECT #2: Quality Assurance Checklist

1. Create and develop a “Quality Assurance Checklist” model that can be used to determine whether or not an assessment meets standards of validity and reliability. Your checklist should include construct validity, instructional validity, and consequence validity indicators. In your checklist ask yourself specific questions that will guide you in developing learning assessments that meet the standard of validity. Your checklist should also include reliability indicators. Develop questions that will guide you in developing learning assessments that meet the standard of reliability.

2. Provide a detailed description of a test that you would like to use at the conclusion of a unit of study. Indicate how you would use the Quality Assurance Checklist to ensure that your test had met the standards of validity and reliability. Integrate key points from Wilson’s formative assessment article and the Understanding by Design process.

3. Design a test that meets a variety of learning outcomes and that applies the standards of validity and reliability.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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