70 Questions

Part 1


  1. Discuss the difference between privacy and confidentiality.
  2. How is the FTC involved in protecting health information?
  3. What is the Freedom of Information Act. How do members of the public use it?
  4. Provide a brief synopsis of the HIPAA Privacy Rule
  5. Provide a brief synopsis of the HIPAA Security Rule
  6. Define covered entities and business associates under HIPAA
  7. Under the Privacy Rule, when may PHI be disclosed?
  8. Differentiate between use and release of PHI.
  9. Discuss Risk Analysis under HIPAA.
  10. Discuss a HIPAA contingency plan.
  11. What is a covered entity’s responsibility before reusing portable electronic storage media?
  12. What audit controls, if any, are required under HIPAA?
  13. Contrast the three tiers of HIPAA violation penalties.
  14. Discuss healthcare data vulnerability. Is there evidence that PHI should be effectively protected?
  15. Discuss the difference between an integrity violation and a confidentiality violation of health care data.
  16. Discuss the conflict between security and availability in health care data.
  17. List and define the seven steps of a model health care organization security plan? Where can this plan be found?
  18. Provide two reasons for the increase in healthcare care data breaches.
  19. What are the core functions of the NIST security framework?



Part 2

  1. What is the Joint Commission and what do they do?
  2. What is NCQA and what do they do?
  3. Who licenses health care facilities?
  4. Conmpare and contrast accreditaiton, licensure and certification?
  5. Discuss four types of quality metrics and why they are necessary.
  6. What is a disease registry used for?
  7. Discuss two ways that HEDIS data is used.
  8. Define benchmarking.
  9. Provide something interesting that you learned from the Dartmouth Atlas.
  10. Use Hospital Compare to find out something about a hospital near where you live>
  11. Discuss three strategies that CMS hjas used to improve health care delivery.


Part 3


  1. What is XML and how can be used in healthcare data transmission?
  2. What is an ad hoc standard?
  3. What is a a De Facto standard?
  4. What is a government mandate?
  5. How does the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) use consensus in standard setting?
  6. What is ISO and how does it differ from ANSI?
  7. What are the five elements of the SDO standard setting process?
  8. Name two ‘profiling’ bodies and their function.
  9. What is ICD-10-CM and what is used for?
  10. How often is the Interoperability Standards Advisory updates and what does it contain?
  11. What is the relationship between HL-7 and FHIR?
  12. Why are vocabulary standards necessary in healthcare?
  13. How does SNOMED CT advance health information storatge?
  14. What is the purpose of the Unified Medical Language System?
  15. How does HL-7 version 3 differ from previous versions?
  16. What is the signifance of transportable patient care information?


Part 4


  1. List and describe the 7 objectives of the IT planning process.
  2. What does it mean that the process of linking IT initiatives to organizational goals is ‘complex, iterative, and, at times, driven by politics and instincts”?
  3. Describe the elements of IT strategy.
  4. What does the author mean by ‘leverage points’ when the book discusses the ‘inverted tree that cascades from mission to… initiatives’?
  5. Describe the three elements of implementation discussed by the author.
  6. When the author talks about implementation why does she suggest using data warehousing technologies to reduce ‘inappropriate procedure use’?
  7. Describe both what the implementation component of strategy is and is not.
  8. What are the vectors that the author refers to for arriving at IT strategy. Define vector.
  9. Discuss the linkage between organizational strategy and IT strategy.
  10. What is necessary to use the vector of continuous improvement of core processes and information management to determine IT strategies.
  11. What does the vector of new IT capabilities suggest for an IT agenda?
  12. What are the four elements of the IT asset in an organization?
  13. Why is it important to have a method for developing, documenting, and managing an IT strategy?
  14. Discuss IT strategy and alignment challenges.
  15. Explain the 5 stages of the  ‘hype cycle’.



Last Updated on February 24, 2019

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