Essay Writer » Essay Blog » Business Essays Help » 5 slides power point and 8 pages written.

5 slides power point and 8 pages written.

Use Google case – they reorganized by adopting Alphabet as their new parent company. This link goes into more details:…

included in the power point and written paper. The Written Paper should be more detailed than the power point. For the power point you should have least 5 to 7 slides. For the written paper you should have no less than 8 pages.

Come up with and select a different case of an organization confronting managing complex change. The team will be responsible for devising a comprehensive change plan, informed by everything they have learned regarding the formulation and execution of successful complex change initiatives.

Team Project Criteria

The criteria for evaluation of both the case work itself and the team process are as follows:

  • Quality of issue analysis (40% of project grade): Is the analysis insightful, comprehensive, and thoughtful, going beyond superficial descriptions and organizational symptoms to identify root cases that need addressing?
  • Quality of recommendations (35% of project grade): Are the recommendations and implementation process sound, well thought through, and appropriate to the problem, integrating the specifics of the case and organizational change “best practices?”Pay special attention to:
  • Comprehensiveness and thoughtfulness of change plan design
  • Anticipated effectiveness of the change strategy based on implementation plan completenessandplausibility.
  • Attention to the management of conflicts and tradeoffs, and innovativeness.

It is important to emphasize that, as with any real‐world change project, there is no single “correct” answer.Therefore, a broad range of solutions are expected and acceptable, provided they are supported by solid and well‐reasoned assessment of the presenting challenges, and a sound theoretical and practical rationale for the solutions proposed and their implementation.

  • Strategic context (15% of project grade): Did the analysis and proposal fit the strategy context of the case?Did it show appropriate recognition of client industry, corporate strategy and sources of competitive advantage to create a compelling business case for the recommended change?

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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